by LuAnn Cibik,  Interior Alignment® Master Educator, Soul Coaching® Advanced Trainer, Master Oracle Card Reader

Clutter clearing and organizing is a huge industry…… why? The lockdown of the pandemic made everyone do a couple of things. 

  1. We stayed home and shopped online, then …
  2. We became very aware of our surroundings… and the mounting clutter, and began to purge!

In feng shui, the art of arranging your space to support your life, we address clutter because of the way it can block the chi flow in your home and life. And it can also hold the symbolism of the past, and not the future. It can hold symbolism of fear, or a sense of lack, or whatever the motivation was for purchasing or holding onto that item.

You might be surprised that we also address clutter in Soul Coaching® 28 program. This program is aimed at allowing you to hear the messages from your own Soul, and hear your Soul’s Truth. So, why they heck would we be clutter clearing? Simply, because by releasing what it is your past, and not your future, the energy around you becomes more clear. The flow and clarity comes back into your life!

Don’t believe me? Try this powerful little exercise: 

  1. Look around your bedroom and identify 3 things that you no longer love, and do not use.
  2. Remove those three things.
  3. Take the time to put things you love and use in your bedroom, in their proper place, with thanks and gratitude.
  4. Now, notice the 3 things that bring you the most joy in your bedroom, and make them more prominent (and if you don’t have any, think about adding them)

How does it feel? Does it feel more like a sacred space that honors you? Your bedroom is the room you spend the most time in, and the template you create there can influence you all day long. By doing this process, you have now created a space for your body, heart and mind to feel uplifted, and indeed sacred. Every day in the Soul Coaching® program we not only address external clutter, but the internal mental and emotional clutter.

In these post pandemic years, there are more and more people evaluating how they spend their time… and how they use their life energy. Soul Coaching® can assist you find your own personal answers about your Soul’s Mission statement. But it all starts with Simplifying so we can hear the messages!

Let me know how your bedroom project works out, and how you now feel when you wake up in the morning!

LuAnn Cibik, Interior Alignment® Master Educator, Soul Coaching® Advanced Trainer

“I am delighted to connect with you here in The Linn Academy. I love being a part of this community and all the wonderful people I get to work with as clients and students of Interior Alignment(R) and Soul Coaching(R). I teach programs in feng shui, space clearing, rocks, color, and so much more! I also offer certification in Forest Therapy, and House Acupuncture.

I believe so much in the power of community, I am honored to host an amazing online community called Enchanted Living, with both recorded lectures and weekly live ZOOM gatherings of just to most amazing souls! If you are looking for that tribe of kind people who live the realms of energy and magic, come join us!

And I am co-teaching a Soul Coaching(R) certification program with the amazing Meadow Linn beginning in April 2024! You can find out more on my website at

You can find out more on my website!”


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