Shining Star Home Page!

Let’s shine your light BRIGHT, so that all those beautiful beings who are your clients can find you!

Please use the resources on this page ( and it’s links ) to make the most benefit of your membership level!

And don’t forget to check out your bio and contact information on our page, just to make sure everything is current!

Don’t forget all your cool benefits!


We love to share about you on our Linn Academy Public Facebook page. Share your links to your blogs, Facebook business page posts, business channel videos with us at:

No direct marketing posts, but we love when you share and inspire people with your information!

These will be shared on The Linn Academy Facebook page – (as long as they relate to what you have been certified in)


Newsletter and BLOG

every month we publish a newsletter on a topic chosen from pulling an oracle card to give us the best theme for this month. Shining Stars are encouraged to write a brief article to share stories and tips on this theme. Your story will not only be in the newsletter but also in the website blog.  You can also submit a 3 minute video on the topic is you love to speak more than write!

The suggested format is:

  • Brief personal story about the theme
  • The short easy tips for people to follow, that relate to the theme and also what your certification is in
  • A short summary of what the outcome could be

You can send these to our Editor Kyla Tustin at or

Content is due by the 20th of the month for consideration in the following month.

The Linn Academy Events

Have your class or workshops that are related to your certification  promoted on the The Linn Academy website and facebook fan page!