Certification Programs
All programs in the Linn Academy have been created by Denise Linn. Her licensed practitioners can be found listed here, and there are practitioners located all over the world.
Some of The Linn Academy Programs are still taught by Denise Linn, as in person events or via online certification. Other programs are taught by her Trainers or Master Teachers who have been specifically trained and now authorized to offer these certifications.

Interior Alignment® Feng Shui and Space Clearing is a comprehensive system of working with the energy of your home or office. We are compassionate client center practitioners Our system honors indigenous methods of creating healing and sacred space for your life from around the world. We use the bagua, and acknowledge that energy patterns are different in the northern and southern hemisphere and adjust it accordingly. We have our own very special advanced method of Medicine Wheel feng shui that aligns with the four elements and the cardinal direction of nature to understand your home.
Our system aligns your outer world to your inner dreams and goals.

Elemental Space Clearing (also taught as Essential Space Clearing in Europe) is a specific, beautiful and powerful system of space clearing that uses essential oils and mudras as a cornerstone of the process. This certification is a part of the Interior Alignment® system, and this certification can be obtained through an online program created by Denise Linn through Hay House.

Soul Coaching® is a very special life coaching program designed to help you remove self limiting thoughts and enhance joy in your life. You discover what your soul wants you to know, and the Soul loves the truth. Soul Coaching® Practitioners are trained in a very special coaching process to allow your to hear the wisdom of your own soul, and have numerous programs and processes to assist you to discover your best life!

Red Lotus Mystery School graduates are chalice carriers, trained in providing coaching and ceremony, workshops and events to assist you to ignite the feminine power of receptivity and creativity in your life. Trained in guided journey work, they can assist you in finding your inner goddess. They also can provide ceremony for the many milestones in life, that are sometime unacknowledged.

Linn Method Ultimate Journey Clutter Coaches have been trained to not only help you hands on release clutter but deal with the issues that are why clutter occurred in the first place. Much more than professional organizations, our graduates assist you in understanding your connection to the things around you, and help you release their hold on you and your life. Our graduates can assist you in person and through distance clutter coaching sessions.

Gateway Dreaming Coaching program is a life changing programs that allows one to master the world of dream-time. It is much more than a dream interpretation program. Our graduates coach you to sleep deeper, dream better, learn how to program your dreams, and then teach you how to interpret your dreams for your benefit.

Soul Coaching(R) Oracle Card Practitioner is a powerful and in-depth oracle card certification program. Graduates have been trained to step deeply into the realm of the oracle for messages, and to assist you in understanding the cards specific meaning for you. In person and distance reading are available.