Throughout Time,
Mankind has always looked to the realm of the unseen for answers to their deepest questions.
Using Oracle Cards is one way to tap into the answers that are there for all of us.
While you can always use oracle cards yourself, working with a card reader can give you more powerful results, and deeply profound information, as this reader brings their own interpretation and insight into the levels of each reading.
Soul Coaching® Oracle Card Readers are trained to create a space where they honor the sacred work being done, using different methods of interpretation and spreads, all the while looking to support your greatest and highest good.
Do you want to know what an Oracle Card Reader can do for you?
Oracle Readings are Time Honored Tradition
Readings can point you in the direction of your destiny.
Denise Linn is an internationally renowned teacher in the field of self-development. She’s the is the author of the book ‘Signposts’ and ‘the Secret Language of Signs’, and has created numerous Oracle Decks through Hay House Publishing. She created this certification of Oracle Card readers as a way to honor that each client truly knows their own truth, and readers can assist them in finding that inner wisdom. She trained some of her SOul Coaching practitioners to be Certified Card Readers, and then created a more in depth course of study, with these graduates becoming Master Oracle Card Readers.
“At the edge of the mind awaits the holy wilderness of the soul. It beckons you, like an ancient forest filled with vast mysteries and wonders. Soul Coaching® is a simple path of the heart to the temple that dwells at its depth.”
—Denise Linn

There are times when blockages or uncertainty resonates within each of us. In those times, not matter what card you pull for yourself, you are unable to see outside your situation and perhaps interpret the true meaning of the card.
Each Certified Oracle Card Reader listed on this site can tap into the energy surrounding the client to clarify exactly what is needed to unblock or discover what is necessary to propel into areas of life that will allow the client to experience the abundance of life.
All Certified Oracle Card Readers on this site have met the strict criteria of Denise Linn’s certification program, and have performed and documented dozens of different types of readings, created a sacred space for their readings to occur in, and some have even created their own powerful oracle decks to use in readings.
Each reading is unique to the individual, as each of us has our unique energy and aura.
Each oracle card reader brings different and unique qualities and skills to the reading to enhance the experience for their clients.
The answers do lie inside each client; the oracle card reader is the conduit between the client and the answers that lie within each of us, providing clarity, definitions and support.
Master Soul Coaching Oracle Card Readers, trained by Denise Linn, are people who have studied and worked to complete an intensive training program that requires 88 documented readings, as well as special training in the use and care of cards, and how to use them to work with others. There are people who have embraced the role of the oracle, and also use a very special methods for helping clients understand the meaning of their readings.
Working with an Certified Oracle Card Reader is easy!
Many offer online reading via online Video or other teleconferencing methods.

Founder: Denise Linn is an internationally renowned teacher in the field of self-development. She’s the is the author of the book ‘Signposts’ and ‘the Secret Language of Signs’, and has created numerous Oracle Decks through Hay House Publishing.
You can train to be Master Oracle Card reader, like the ones on this site, through her self study course . This course is rich in information and methods, stepping you through becoming the sacred oracle, and many ways to work with the energy of cards, and even how to create a deck of your own. Even if you do not pursue certification is can be a valuable course for someone who loves working with cards.
Soul Coaching(R) Oracle Card Reader certification is NOT the full Soul Coaching(R) Practitioner certification. That course is one that is only offered through Soul Coaching Trainers with live online or in person classes.