Shining Star Red Lotus® Practitioners
LuAnn Cibik
Leechburg, PA USA
Interior Alignment® Master Teacher & Educator, Soul Coaching® Advanced Trainer, Elemental Space Clearing, Master Oracle Card Reader, Past Life Coach, Red Lotus Practitioner, Ultimate Journey Clutter Coach, Gateway Dreaming Practitioner
Felicia D’Haiti
Port Tobacco, MD USA
Interior Alignment® master Teacher, Soul Coaching® Trainer, Soul Coaching® ONLINE Trainer, Ultimate Journey Clutter Coach, Oracle Card Reader, Past Life Coach, Red Lotus Practitioner, Elemental Space Clearing Practitioner, Master Gateway Dreaming Practitioner
Kerry Dalzotto
Adelaide, South Australia
Elemental Space Clearing, Red Lotus Mystery School Practitioner, Soul Coaching Advanced Practitioner
Red Lotus Mystery School Practitioners have been trained in the ancient arts of using divine feminine energy for manifestation and ceremony. Our coaching methods allow you to tap into that goddess energy within for creation and receptivity. So many people are programmed to give and do, and not to be open to receive. Ceremony for life passages and being open to messages working with oracle cards are just a part of the services we offer..
Shining Star Practitioners are those graduates who are actively offering client sessions at this time.
Licensed Red Lotus Practitioner Practitioners
Become a Practitioner
We consider this a sacred path, one walked by those who wish to assist themselves and others connect to the energy of the Divine Feminine.
Denise Linn teaches this program at intimate retreat settings. The next courses are planned for 2022. Connect with Denise on her newletter list ot her about when these courses will be announced