Shining Star Red Lotus® Practitioners
LuAnn Cibik
Leechburg, PA USA Inner Harmony, Inc.Biography
LuAnn has been a full time professional feng shui and space clearing practitioner and teacher for almost 20 years and is a certified Interior Alignment® Master Educator and is a certified Soul Coaching® Master Educator. She also has a background in Chinese Medicine and is a certified Medical Qigong Therapist, a Taoist Yoga instructor, many other certifications in oracle card reading, dream interpretation coaching, clutter clearing, Color Therapeutics and more. She’s also a trained aromatherapist (with Taoist priest Jeffery Yuen). Prior to that, she had over 20 years in the information technology field, as a programmer and manager, for both small companies and large healthcare organizations.
LuAnn’s biggest joy is teaching and training others in the way to make their lives empowered and filled with Inner Harmony. She offered certification programs and life enrichment programs in many of the Linn Academy realms. She also teaching and certifies practitioners of Forest Therapy, and a very specific form of Space Clearing calls House Acupuncture which works with sound and crystals. She also sells jewelry for empowerment, which you can find the latest items on Instagram and Facebook.
LuAnn lives in Western PA, USA, with her husband, adorable Pomeranian dog, 3 cats and an abundance of wildlife that she shares her 88 acres retreat center with. She delights in connecting with people all over the world for coaching and consultations via ZOOM, and has had people worldwide come to her center for certification. Her hobbies are jewelry making, magic making and petting the local unicorns.
“I have spent two days getting used to the new energy in my home and it more than suits, it feels like a bright new future to me. Thanks so much! I also checked in with my spiritual friend, who often does energetic cleanses for me, and she said that your work is very powerful; the spirits gave you a nod. I really appreciate your suggesting (…)—though I am sure it seems obvious to you—you gave me a few nudges in a few departments where I needed it. My office feels powerful.
You are like a loving big sister, a spiritual guide and a practical powerful lady who knows how to get things done. Wow! I am a huge fan and so grateful that you found time for me in your busy life.”
– C.C., Corporate executive who does much work from her home office
“LuAnn is the best. My home and office feel peaceful and inviting. My clients comment how much they like my office. The most fun I have is clearing space. I love donating, recycling to a consignment store and throwing out. “
– J.K., Therapist
“I have completed two of my Interior Alignment trainings with LuAnn, Advanced IA Certification and Medicine Wheel Feng Shui. I highly recommend LuAnn as a teacher and the Interior Alignment program founded by Denise Linn. My life has taken so many positive turns since I chose to welcome IA into my life. I have also taken two of LuAnn’s dream classes which dramatically changed how I receive guidance and has become so helpful to me. She is truly a goddess of the light.”
– D.N., Advanced IA practitioner, Interior Designer and Small Business owner
Red Lotus Mystery School Practitioners have been trained in the ancient arts of using divine feminine energy for manifestation and ceremony. Our coaching methods allow you to tap into that goddess energy within for creation and receptivity. So many people are programmed to give and do, and not to be open to receive. Ceremony for life passages and being open to messages working with oracle cards are just a part of the services we offer..
Shining Star Practitioners are those graduates who are actively offering client sessions at this time.
Licensed Red Lotus Practitioner Practitioners
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We consider this a sacred path, one walked by those who wish to assist themselves and others connect to the energy of the Divine Feminine.
Denise Linn teaches this program at intimate retreat settings. The next courses are planned for 2022. Connect with Denise on her newletter list ot her about when these courses will be announced