by Elizabeth Ferrall,  Soul Coaching® Practitioner, Elemental Space Clearing Practitioner

“When you step outside of your comfort zone, you will see vast vistas.”  Does the thought of that make you feel a little excited?  Does it make you feel a little uncomfortable?  This month we are contemplating expanding our horizons. 

When you are contemplating this invitation through Elemental Space Clearing, the first thing that I would suggest is to look for where you feel the barriers are to expanding your horizons.  Sometimes blocks are clear:  The footboard on your bed is up higher than your mattress, there is a zig zag in your entrance to your home that makes the flow of coming and going feel complicated. Perhaps the blocks are not so clear, and many of those reside in your memory. Have you learned through an uncomfortable experience that getting out of your comfort zone remains uncomfortable?  Let’s clear that. 

Altars are such magical places to set intentions, and to work with them until they become exciting invitations.  I do adore an altar, and I set them up all over my house because I believe that they are EVERYWHERE!  Your bathroom counter is your alter to personal hygiene.  Your kitchen is your altar to health and for many of us family or community.   Even the dresser top, where you keep your brush, and a photo or two, can be considered an altar space.

If you would like to expand your horizons, perhaps you would like to try this simple exercise: choose a personal altar space. Something that is in a private area of your home, like a bedroom, and simply set two containers there, something attractive like a pair of bowls, or shells. One is a bowl of Potential and the other is the bowl of Experience.  Into the bowl of Potential put a number of small items. You can use small tumbled crystals, or pennies, or driveway rocks.  Sit or stand before your altar and run your fingers through this container.  Take a deep breath and set the intention that each of these items will stand for a new experience that you will have. Now each morning stir the container of Potential, and then go out and have a new experience!  Move the way the art is hung in your house, purchase a different body wash for your shower, try improv.  These experiences can be big or small but new.  In the evenings, move a small item from one bowl to the other, for each new experience that you have tried. In the mornings stir your potential new experiences. In the evenings shift them from one bowl to the other, and stir the experiences that you have had.  Keep at it until all the small items have made the transition from the bowl of Potential to the bowl of Experience. Once that is done, contemplate how your outlook has changed during that period of time. Don’t forget to congratulate yourself on all the success you have had in just trying so many different things!

Big or small, there is a flow of energy that comes into your life when you change how you look at the world.

If you are ready to step into that flow, try some simple things.

Prepare for something strange.

Elizabeth Ferrall, Soul Coaching® Practitioner, Elemental Space Clearing Practitioner

Reverend Elizabeth Ferrall is an Elemental Space Clearing Practitioner™ and Soul Coaching(R) Practitioner. She has her own Energy Healing practice in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains in Virginia. She also serves as a visiting medium and a Healer at the Spiritualist village in Lily Dale, NY. Her practice is focused on helping her clients create balance in their life through a variety of tools, including hands-on energy healing, tarot and other methods, plant essences, sound healing and coaching….


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