by Barbara Amrhein-Krug, Soul Coaching® Practitioner

It is the year 1998. Our holiday trip is a journey to a lot of magical places in the UK. I am on the tour with our three boys ( 7, 11, 12 ) and we set off from Calais to Dover on a Hooverkraft. From there we are moving to Stonehenge, Avebury Stone Circle and on to Dartmoor.

Having sunny and warm weather wherever we are  driving, is the first magic of our trip. Sometimes it rains on the way, but as soon as we arrive at a place, the sun shines on us. (My husband had to turn on the heating in the evening in Germany, it was so cold at home).

Left-hand traffic

I immediately feel safe driving on the left, as if by magic I am guided perfectly to the right places. It feels like I’m coming back home and driving is the most common thing, even though my car isn’t built for it.

Luck in misfortune

The campsite in Ashburton is in a quiet location and the people there are very friendly. On the 2nd evening, the children run to the trampoline to let off steam. Suddenly they come up to me carrying the youngest and I see it straight away – his arm is broken! I enquire about the nearest hospital and have to drive an hour there. The eldest accompanies me, the middle one stays at the caravan.

In the hospital emergency room, it quickly becomes clear that the surgery will be performed immediately tomorrow and Lorenz has to stay at the hospital. Magically the nurse on duty is German and so I can drive Maximilian back to the caravan and ask the neighbors to look after the children. I spend the night in a comfortable TV chair nearby my son.

Onward journey

Truro and Tintagel Castle, The Hurlers Stone Circle, Duloe Stone Circle, Exmoor and much more.

Lorenz goes through a healing stone twice and is as soon as possible pain-free.

The weather changes immediately when we arrive at a new place and the sun accompanies us safely and warmly. (Germany-still raining)


This was a special place for all four of us and we are particularly enchanted by the Chalice Well. Even the place is normally full of people, we are alone at the well and can magically enjoy the place, as well as the view from the “castle”.

Back home

We return home safely by train through the Eurotunnel. When we visit the hospital, the doctor discovers that the fracture has healed much faster than possible. A gelatinous mass has magically formed around the fracture and one thing is certain: the arm will never break again at this point.

The memory of this journey with all its “magical moments” will always be with us.

Barbara Amrhein-Krug, Soul Coaching Practitioner

Ein Sprichwort aus Indien besagt, dass jeder von uns wie ein Haus mit vier Räumen ist – einem mentalen, emotionalen, physischen und einem spirituellen. Die vier Elemente Luft, Wasser, Feuer und Erde sind unterstützende Werkzeuge beim Betreten dieser inneren Räume.
Im Soul Coaching® Programm wird das alte Wissen der 4 Elemente genutzt, um verborgene oder sichtbare Unordnung zu bereinigen, sich mit der Kraft des Universums zu verbinden und so die innere Stimme der eigenen Seele wahrzunehmen.

Ich freue mich, wenn ich Sie durch dieses kraftvolle 28 Tage Programm führen darf. Das Programm ohne Bindung an einen Ort in einer online Gruppe zu erleben ist für viele, die sehr beschäftigt sind oder keinen Soul Coach® vor Ort haben, eine wunderbare Möglichkeit – natürlich auch per Telefon.

Danke Denise, dass ich 2003 Soul Coaching® bei Dir in Paso Robles erleben und erlernen konnte und dadurch die Wahrheit meiner Seele immer intensiver höre.



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