Shining Star Soul Coaching® Practitioners

Soul Coaching® is a trademarked system of coaching. Only those licensed practitioners are listed on this site, either as Shining Stars here or on the full list below.

Photo of Barbara Amrhein-Krug

Barbara Amrhein-Krug

Schöllkrippen Deutschland


Barbara has been advising people on Feng Shui since 2000. As a Qi Gong teacher, she has taught hundreds of people the power of breathing and selected exercises of this ancient form of movement. In 2004 she became a Soul Coaching® Practitioner and in 2009 she completed the Essential Space Clearing® and Gateway Dreaming® training.

She has a psychotherapy practice and has specialized in grief counseling and coping with loss since 2014. She has led training courses in hospice and grief counseling for many years. She uses the sounds of nature as a certified Shinrin-Yoku teacher as well as many other trainings  which she combines into her own method. In 2014 Barbara fulfilled a heartfelt wish and founded the association Wunsch am Horizont e.V., which grants terminally ill people their last wish.

Since Barbara experienced Denise Linn in Innsbruck at the World Congress Feng Shui Experience in 2000, she has been inspired by the magic that surrounds Denise. She can share many wonderful experiences. Barbara offers the Soul Coaching® program both in her practice and online. She is always touched by the power that is released when hidden and visible clutter is cleared. When you listen to your inner voice, miracles will happen.

Barbara loves to sing, plays the harp and being in her garden. She enjoys travelling and connecting with other people from all parts of the world.


Barbara berät Menschen seit 2000 im Bereich Feng Shui. Als Qi Gong Lehrerin hat sie hunderten von Menschen gelehrt, wie kraftvoll Atem- und ausgewählte Übungen dieser alten Bewegungsform sind. 2004 wurde sie Soul Coaching® Practitioner und 2009 schloss sie die Essential Space Clearing® und Gateway Dreaming@ Ausbildung ab. Ebenso war sie im Wild and Free Jahres-Kurs eine von 12 Teilnehmerinnen.

Sie hat eine Praxis für Psychotherapie (HpG) und ist seit 2014 spezialisiert auf Trauerbegleitung und Verlustbewältigung. Viele Jahre hat sie Ausbildungen in Hospiz- und Trauerbegleitung geleitet. Die Klänge der Natur nutzt sie als zertifizierte Shinrin-Yoku- Waldbaden Lehrerin, ebenso wie viele andere Ausbildungen, die sie zu einer eigenen Methode zusammenfügt. 2014 hat sich Barbara einen Herzenswunsch erfüllt und den Verein Wunsch am Horizont e.V. gegründet, der unheilbar erkrankten Menschen den einen persönlich wichtigen Wunsch erfüllt.

Seit Barbara 2000 Denise Linn in Innsbruck beim Weltkongress Feng Shui Experience erlebt hat, ist sie von der Magie, die Denise umgibt, beseelt. Von vielen wundervollen Erlebnissen kann sie erzählen. Sowohl in ihrer Praxis als auch online bietet Barbara das Soul Coaching® Programm an. Sie ist jedes Mal aufs Neue berührt von der Kraft, die freigesetzt wird, wenn verborgene und sichtbare Unordnung bereinigt wird. Sich mit der Quelle zu verbinden und auf die innere Stimme der eigenen Seele zu lauschen, kann Wunder geschehen lassen.

Barbara liebt singen und Harfe spielen ebenso wie im Garten sein und sich weiterzubilden. Reisen und sich mit anderen Menschen zu verbinden, lässt Barbara glücklich sein.

Soul Coaching®  Practitioners  have been trained a very special form of coaching that allow you to hear your own Souls wisdom and truth. We use various processes, such as Soul Journeys, Oracle Card Reading, Energy clearing and much more to facilitate change and growth.

Advanced Practitioners have been trained in additional methods including Clutter Coaching.

Shining Star Practitioners are those graduates who are actively offering client sessions at this time.


Licensed Soul Coaching®  Practitioners 

Become a Soul Coaching® Practitioner

We consider this a sacred path, one walked by those who wish to assist themselves and others live a more joy filled existence through hearing their Soul’s own Truth.

Denise Linn first began teaching this system in 2003, and now this certification is taught by the Master Trainers who carry on that lineage. Each certification course contains the same curriculum and textbook, with the same required amount of contact hours. We have various certifications and levels within our system. allowing you to grown and add to your knowledge over time, and perhaps eventually becoming a Trainer yourself.

Each trainer creates an experience that is unique through their venue and methods of teaching. For details in the curriculum read more about that on our certification page. Once you graduate as an official Soul Coaching® Practitioner, you are eligible to become a part of our professional community, with our free online Facebook Group, discounts on conferences and other events, and various marketing, networking and educational opportunities. This is an enormous benefit!

This certification course is HIGHLY EXPERIENTIAL, where you go through the Soul Coaching program, as well as our many experiences  as a part of your training.

Learn more