At the edge of the mind awaits the holy wilderness of the soul. It beckons you, like a great forest filled with vast mysteries and wonders, Soul Coaching® is a simple path of the heart to the temple that dwells at its depth.
The aim of Soul Coaching® is to align your inner spiritual life with your outer life. It is a system that helps to clear away mental, emotional, and physical clutter so your client can hear the messages from within. It also helps you discover your purpose, so you can design a life that supports that mission.
Soul Coaching® is not therapy. It is also different from life coaching. Therapists have years of training and therapy usually focuses on emotional healing and life coaching usually focuses on the attainment of a goal through motivation or inspiration. Soul Coaching®, however, is different from these modalities, as its primary aim is to clear away inner debris, so your clients can discover their own inner wisdom.
Soul Coaching® Practitioners take coaching to a deeper level.
Soul Coaching® is a guided inward journey to the deepest wellspring of your being in order to touch the sacred space within. It allows you to be in touch with your spiritual self, and recenter your life around your Soul’s Mission. This coaching is not based around any particular religion. It is based on the power of nature, and the acknowledgement that our lives are sacred.
Soul Coaching® Practitioners know that our clients are naturally intuitive and resourceful, and we understand that each already has all the answers he or she needs. It is our job to create a safe nurturing space for our clients to discover their own knowledge while we listen with our heart. We are trained in a specific coaching process that creates the safe space for people to feel heard, and to then be able to hear the whispering of their own soul’s message.
Soul Coaching® is a trademarked term and system of coaching, “Soul Coaching®” is a best selling book by Denise Linn and copyright by Hay House publishing.
The Soul Loves the Truth!
Soul Coaching® is a very special coaching process that acknowledges that YOUR SOUL, YOUR HIGHER SELF, know the answers.
Your Soul Coaching® Practitioner has been trained to use a very special coaching technique, and a variety of processes and program to assist your in clear away your mental debris, so that you can hear your soul’s calling. We offer a very unique coaching process to hold sacred space for you while finding your truth. We have expertise in leading various programs or processes that utilize the power of the Four Elements and the cycles of nature to unlock your passion for life again.
Denise Linn (author of ‘Soul Coaching’, ‘Unlock the Secret Message of the Body’ and other Soul Coaching® related programs) created Soul Coaching® and its many processes and services that as single appointments or a series of sessions, can ignite your intuition and connection to your life mission.

Our process, methods and programs are a trademarked system.
Only the coaches and trainers on our site are authorized to offer Soul Coaching® services!

Almost everyone who goes through the Soul Coaching® program experiences profound and lasting transformations in their life.
We believe, you already have all the answers you need. It’s simply a matter of inner and outer clutter clearing to connect with this wisdom. Miracles can occur in an instant and you might just need one single service session with your Soul Coaching® Practitioner to to tap into your answer. But long held patterns and beliefs might be more deeply rooted, and take a series of sessions or a full 28 day program in discover the issues blocking you and make a change that lasts in life.
There are several 28 day Soul Coaching® programs that are a powerful way to remove blockages, limitations and barriers to your authentic self. Working with a Soul Coaching® Practitioner can validate your experiences, take you deep that you might go yourself, and keep you accountable to yourself.

Soul Coaching® Services
These are just some of the Services or Events offered by Soul Coaching® Practitioners:
28-Day Soul Coaching® Program—your Soul Coaching® Practitioner is personal guide for a total inner and outer clutter clearing of your life (individual sessions or group sessions/online or in person). This service is the heart and soul of Soul Coaching®. There are four different 28 days programs to choose from. One will be the fit fit for what you are looking for in life.
One-on-One Coaching: Using our very special processes to allow you to hear the messages from your own soul, you can work with a Soul Coaching PRactitioner in person or online to help you discover the messages from your soul.
Soul Journeys: your Soul Coaching® Practitioner can take you on one-on-one individual guided journeys (and past life journeys) into the depths of your soul. This allows you to truly hear the wisdom of your soul and gain answers to the questions of your life. (This can be done on the phone as well as in person.)
Soul Coaching® Oracle Card Reading: Using the a special divination method that utilizes the wisdom in your Soul in conjunction with the Soul Coaching® Oracle Cards your Soul Coaching® Practitioner assists you to learn the answers to your heartfelt questions about your life.
Soul Coaching® Clearing:
1. Bell Clearing for the Soul: personal chakra and auric field clearing with the use of a bell (individual sessions)
2. Feather Clearing for the Soul: personal chakra and auric field clearing with the use of a feather (individual sessions)
Spirit Creation Workshops:
These are creative projects that can help open a sacred portal to the realm of spirit. Here are an example of some Spirit Creation Workshops that Soul Coaching® Practitioner can provide for a group.
- Soul Map Collage /Vision Seed Map: Through the creation of a sacred collage your powerfully seed your dreams for the future. In Soul Coaching® we have a unique and special process called the 9 Houses ( unrelated to feng shui) that helps you to interpret the collage you have created, and understand the powerful messages from what you have created.
- Miracle Box: This is a powerful tool for manifesting your life through the creation of a sacred magical box to seed your dreams for the future.
- Spirit Sticks: These are sticks that are decorated in a sacred way to activate particular qualities or open doors into inner realms.
and much more….
Contact YOUR Soul Coaching® Practitioner for the support you need to step your life to the next level.
Become a Soul Coaching® Practitioner!
Are you passionate about helping people finding joy and their Soul’s Mission?
As Soul Coaching® Practitioners, we know that our clients are naturally intuitive and resourceful, and we understand that each already has all the answers he or she needs. It is our job to create a safe nurturing space for our clients to discover their own knowledge while we listen with our heart. We are trained in a specific coaching process that creates the safe space for people to feel heard, and to then be able to hear the whispering of their own soul’s message.
Soul Coaching® is a guided inward journey to the deepest wellspring of your being in order to touch the sacred space within. It allows you to be in touch with your spiritual self, and recenter your life around your Soul’s Mission. This coaching is not based around any particular religion. It is based on the power of nature, and the acknowledgement that our lives are sacred.
As a Soul Coaching® Practitioner you are authentic, honest, accepting and compassionate …you are doing soul work.

is an internationally renowned teacher in the field of self-development. She’s the is the author of the books ‘Soul Coaching’ and ‘Secrets Messages of the Body” and over 23 other books translated into 29 languages. She has worked with clients for over 50 years, and founded the Soul Coaching® certification program in 2003.