by Elizabeth Ferrall,  Soul Coaching® Practitioner, Elemental Space Clearing Practitioner

For eighteen years I was part of a Passions Group.  All women, with a nearly twenty year age span, we got together once a month to discuss and support each other in following our passion. Because being passionate seemed important, but somehow more satisfying when you can share it with someone else.  As a group we discovered that the energy of passion is in your body and waiting to be ignited. We found that once ignited a passion needs to be nurtured and fed.  We learned to care for this energy wisely, because it can fizzle.  We discovered that passion has affiliation, if someone has a strong passion for something, perhaps you share that passion too. Sometimes your passions sit dormant, and can be directed at someone else’s project. We discovered that your passion can be commandeered by someone else, and we learned to call our passion back home. We learned that the thought of just eight women valuing their own passions can be very enticing or threatening to people who were told about it.  We walked in a few parades.  Eventually our group drifted apart, but it took a member moving nearly ten hours away to end our monthly meetings.  We still get together, and we share a secret: Passion.

Passion can be a terrifying prospect. It can obscure the view of a sink full of dishes. In its worse guise it can have you yelling at the television.  It it’s best guise it has you creating a masterpiece.  In its enduring state it can help you feel satisfied and content with yourself and your surroundings or you can change them completely.

When I am doing a Space Clearing, I always ask what my client would like more of along with what they are hoping to clear. Most often I hear the wish for passion in words describing its lack.

Passion is very much like fire, the element with which it is most often associated. To invite or ignite the spirit of passion look for the area where it is missing, in your home, your relationship, your body, and build the fire carefully.  Colors can help, images, reminders of more passionate times, don’t forget your sound scape, even food. I suggest that you start exploring with passion in a small way, and build as the fire catches. Perhaps there is an old project that you felt extraordinarily proud of that you can put in a central place, or add a paintbrush to your home altar, reframe the loved photo.  Soft oranges and yellow, are the colors that I would start with, and candles and red bell peppers.  I would be cautions of heading straight for the color red, or bonfires, or chili peppers. Remember that fire can burn out, or out of control if it isn’t maintained, so feed your passion, consciously and consistently. Check on it often. 

Once you are feeling the energy of passion flowing in your life, I hope you will feel more awake, and eager for what comes next.

Elizabeth Ferrall, Soul Coaching® Practitioner, Elemental Space Clearing Practitioner

Reverend Elizabeth Ferrall is an Elemental Space Clearing Practitioner™ and Soul Coaching(R) Practitioner. She has her own Energy Healing practice in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains in Virginia. She also serves as a visiting medium and a Healer at the Spiritualist village in Lily Dale, NY. Her practice is focused on helping her clients create balance in their life through a variety of tools, including hands-on energy healing, tarot and other methods, plant essences, sound healing and coaching….


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