by Bill Schwingel,  Interior Alignment® Master Teacher, Soul Coaching(R) Practitioner

I admit, I can’t always explain why feng shui works.

I’ve had clients tell me they met the love of their lives when they made a change I recommended in their bedroom. I’ve also had clients say they’ve had breakthroughs in their health and their relationships thanks to shifting the energy in their home. Others have said they felt safer, more protected, after a consultation.

I understand the principles of feng shui – energy flowing through your home influenced by the natural world, the objects in the home and the associated experiences we have within our spaces. And our ability to influence that energy. But is there a clear and widely accepted scientific explanation for why it works? Would you cal it magic? I honestly don’t think it matters, because it works.

What does matter is we can create this magic – an energy flowing gently and easily in our homes that supports positive powerful change in our lives.

There are many ways to do this, and it can be a very personal journey, but here are a few places to start:

  1. Intention: define what you want in your life or what you want MORE of in your life. This becomes the focus for every change you make in your home. Every shift – adding a new color to a space, removing an inherited object that no longer brings you joy, grouping photographs – is done with your intention in mind as though planting energetic seeds to attract what you want into your life.
  2. Front Door: known as the “mouth of chi” this is the entry point for all energy or chi into your home. If the view to your front door is obstructed, it restricts the flow of energy into your home. If the path to the door is littered with dying plants or items in disrepair, the chi is “distracted” and has a difficult time getting into the home. Make sure your front door is welcoming, in good condition and allows for easy access.
  3. Bedroom: we spend more time in the bedroom than any other space, it is a place for rest, rejuvination and intimacy. When we create a space that supports these activities – a respite from the world and a place to connect on a deep level with someone we love – we create a foundation for better health and happiness in our lives.

Start with those three areas, and you’ll begin to see and feel positive change in your home and your life. Do I know why? I just know it works. Like magic.

Bill Schwingel, Interior Alignment® Master Teacher

Bill Schwingel is a Master Teacher of Interior Alignment(R) providing feng shui and space clearing consultations for the past two decades. Based outside of Chicago, he also offers certifications in Instinctive Feng Shui(TM) and Seven Star Blessing(TM) Space Clearing. Learn more by visiting him at



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