by Dorena Kohrs,  Interior Alignment® Practitioner, Soul Coaching® Practitioner, Clutter Clearing Practitioner

One of the tools I use in feng shui is the bagua map.

It looks like a tic tac toe board that sits on top of your floorplan and tells you what area of your home is associated with what area of your life.

It’s how we learn to use our homes to shift the energy in our lives.

Super cool!

Until you discover that the area of your home associated with your finances is your bathroom.  Or the area associated with your relationships is your garage.

It’s then that I receive the panicky phone calls and emails.

Do I need to move?

I don’t want to flush my money down the drain. And how do I make my garage feel nurturing and connected like I want to feel in my relationships?

My answer?

You absolutely don’t need to move. You do, however, need to love and accept every area of your home.

In the Interior Alignment School of Feng Shui and Space Clearing we acknowledge that there are no wrong homes. Rather, there are only homes that aid in our soul’s evolution. We’re attracted to the very home that will focus our attention on what we need to heal or expand in our life.

The next time you find yourself making your home wrong, take a step back and remember each and every room in your home is an integral part of the whole.

If you discover that your bathroom is in the wealth area, what a great opportunity to discard any expired medications, give your toilet a good scrub and shine your mirror. All with the purpose of bringing intentionality and clarity to how you handle your finances.

If you discover that your garage is in the relationship area, what a great opportunity to sweep away the dust bunnies, let go of half-done projects you’ve lost interest in and organize the tool chest. All with the purpose of bringing attention to the relationships you love and adore.

When we do the work of shifting the energy in our homes, it’s not always about the grand gestures and elaborate feng shui enhancements. More often, it’s the simple tasks of decluttering, cleaning and organizing with intention.




Dorena Kohrs, Interior Alignment® Practitioner, Clutter Coaching Practitioner, Soul Coaching Practitioner

Dorena is a practitioner of Interior Alignment, Soul Coaching and a Certified Clutter Clearing Coach using the Linn Method. She is also a Reiki master and an Archangelic Light master practitioner.

She offers her services in person as well as by video conferencing.

Her super power is identifying what you’re holding onto that is holding you back. It is this intuitive gift that allows her clients to make changes in their environment which is the catalyst for making changes in their life.



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