by Felicia D’Haiti,  Interior Alignment® Master Teacher, Soul Coaching® Trainer, Clutter Clearing Mentor


A few months ago, I went through a major surgery. While the surgery itself went well, unexpectedly I found myself in the urgent care with high fevers a week later. At first, I did not understand what was happening, and I’m not sure the urgent care staff knew either. After a multitude of tests and scans, I was sent home with antibiotics to heal from what they simply called a post-surgery infection. The next day, the surgeon called to let me know that they would need to bring me back into surgery. At that point, he provided a more in-depth explanation, which was comforting yet disturbing at the same time. What was really going on is that an area of my skin was not healing properly due to a multitude of reasons so they needed to remove some of the skin and fully clean out the area. Since then, my healing journey has been much smoother and definitely fever-free.


When I reflect on this part of my journey, it reminds me of the many aspects of healing, which can apply to physical healing as well as healing in other areas of our lives. Sometimes while healing, there are thoughts, emotions, and physical things that we are called to release in order to continue on our healing journey. This isn’t always easy, and oftentimes we don’t recognize it immediately, but it can be done when we focus on the goal that we desire to achieve and are willing to take action to move toward that goal. Healing occurs in layers. Be willing to be still in order to listen to what your body, mind and soul need.


Another aspect of healing brought up by this experience is that healing doesn’t always happen the way we expect it to. I certainly had an image in my mind of how healing from surgery would look for me, and having a second surgery in two weeks was definitely not part of that vision. However, I realize that there was deeper healing that needed to occur to support in bringing me back to a better state of health. When we have a goal in life, it’s important to be open to receiving and to move forward with a lens of non-judgment. Many times, answers to our prayers, solutions to our challenges come in ways that we aren’t expecting them. Be open to receiving signs, listening to Spirit, and embracing new and different resolutions and opportunities to heal.


Be open to asking for support. Yes, our bodies intrinsically know how to heal. That doesn’t mean we never need assistance in doing so. Sometimes, when a deeper dive into healing is called for, it requires that we ask for and be open to receiving support. Use the resources and tools that you have already gained in your life. Know that you have everything you need in the moment. Many times, I find that the tools I continually go back to are those that I learned through Soul CoachingÒ. Through tools found in the Soul CoachingÒ program, we can dive deeper into opportunities to heal aspects of our lives by bringing to the surface for releasing those mental, emotional, spiritual and physical blockages that inhabit parts of our lives. Once these tools became part of my life, I found that they are always there exactly when I need them.

Felicia D’Haiti, Interior Alignment® Master Teacher, Soul Coaching® Trainer

As a child, Felicia had an interest in changing her environment, moving furniture, and changing the colors and art work in her room. This continuing passion combined with Felicia’s advanced studies in Art, Art History and Education led her through revelations about her own journeys of discovery and to her current mission of supporting people to clear the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual blockages from their lives.



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