by Denise Linn, Founder of the Linn Academy

(This is a photo from here at Star Mountain Ranch)
A new year can represent a new beginning, a new dawn, and fresh energies for your life. It can be a time of birth and rebirth
In this post, I am sharing information that has emerged during my meditations about the coming year, and also some insights discerned from the messages in the stars, and from sacred numbers. My intent is that you can use this information to take advantage of the exhilarating energies ahead.
(Note: I’m fascinated by so-called cosmic energies. My passion for the mystical arts was ignited by my grandparents. When I was a child I lived with them for a number of years, 2000 miles away from my family. My grandparents trained with the mystic Manly P. Hall, in the 1930-1950s in Los Angeles. And my grandmother was also an astrologer, tarot card reader and numerologist. Her wisdom has stayed with me all these decades later. My grandmother talked to me about the importance of taking advantage of the “cosmic” energies of each year, hence this post.)
Every year has a particular and unique energy. If you remember, last year about this time, I said that 2023 was a year for personal preparation. It was a time to do some intensive clutter clearing, to repair and renew, and to metaphorically till the soil in your life, by pulling out any weeds that were clogging your energy fields .… in preparation for the seeds to be planted. it was a time of getting ready for the rapid and expansive growth energy in 2024.
2023 was year of the Water Rabbit in Chinese astrology, which can encourage you to be vigilant, thoughtful, reserved, self-reflective and compassionate. It was a year for contemplating the big picture. 2023 was a year to refresh and replenish your energy and to take care of details in life that had been neglected. It was a great year for clutter clearing and releasing relationships and situations that no longer served you. It was also a year to deepen your spiritual practice, incubate ideas, and prepare physically and emotionally for the energies of 2024 .
Personally I didn’t prepare as well as I would have liked. Darn! I guess life got in the way. However, it’s not too late.. the energies of the new year won’t start until mid-February, so I still have time until then to prepare and replenish. I’m on it!
And if you are like me, and didn’t do a deep dive into clutter clearing your life over these last months, you can still take advantage of of the energies of 2023 while you can! There is no time like the present to get going! You still have two months- until mid February. (Fortunately, coming up, I have a FREE clutter clearing challenge through Hay House, that you might want to consider, January 22nd – 26th 2024 and it synchronistically occurs before the shift of energy in February/March.)
But even though we have a couple more months of the 2023 energy, the energies of 2024 are approaching and what a year it will be! Hold onto you hats!
The energy of 2024 will be a year of action, birth and rebirth. It is the year of the Dragon. And a Dragon year is an expansive year. The soil you tilled in 2023 and seeds you planted, will be the fertile ground for your dreams and your intentions to rapidly sprout and take root in 2024. For an acorn to become a mighty tree it must have fertile soil. Whatever you put energy into in 2023 – until mid February 2024 – will grow. If 2023 was a messy year for you and you didn’t take care of the details in your life, my suggestion is to clutter clear all aspects of your life with passion in the next two months. There is still time, as we reach the end of this cycle. Clear the dross out of your life, and prepare to begin anew, with the approaching coming energies of 2024.
2024 can be a year of spiritual awakening! This is also a year to stand your ground. It is a year to step into your strength. Be willing so step up. Step into your nobility. Hold the energy of “Who I am is enough, just as I am!” Wear this like a banner (for it is true!)
This is a year of power! It’s a Wood Dragon year and wood energy can represent rapid growth. It is a year for your latent talents and abilities to emerge, for your inner strengths to emerge. If you are a people pleaser and you tend to sacrifice your well-being to the detriment of yourself (and for for the well being of others), this IS the year to let that pattern go!
Release relationships that drain you and/or people that do not support you. Have compassion toward yourself. The ideas and dreams that you nurture this year can emerge to be great things in the decades ahead. It’s not necessarily a year to charge forward like a charging bull, it’s more a year of opening your heart to spiritual energies and to the wellspring of creativity within you.
Follow your instincts, but be careful about being impulsive and hot-headed. 2024 can be a year of ups and downs, but with keep going forward with an open heart.
If you prepare for it, in the next two months, by clearing out what you don’t need in life, it can be smooth sailing, if you do not—a roller coaster may await you in 2024. (But hey, roller coasters can be fun!) If there is great upheaval in your life, it might not be necessarily bad, sometimes u upheaval is needed for new growth. It’s difficult for new seeds to grow in hard-packed soul, for example.
In numerology 2024 is an eight year in Pythagorean numerology, which represents success, power and abundance. What’s on your bucket list? This is the year it can happen. An eight year can bring remarkable results in your life, as well as passion, power and authenticity, Soft strength and soft power can blossom as well. What does it feel like to weld your own power? This is the year to find out. It can be a year of radical honesty to put your truth into action, and a great year for manifestation of your dreams and to garner abundance.
If you are on a spiritual path, you can have an expanse of growth and even a spiritual awakening in 2024. This can be be a year in which you have a shift in consciousness and embrace heightening spirituality and some of the most amazing transformations of our era. There can be a kind of evolution of human spirit, energy shift, transformation, This might be the year where we embrace and celebrate great awakenings and even a global reset.
Between now and mid-February, it’s essential to clear out the dross in life. Release situations and relationships that deplete your energy. Take care of any unfinished projects. Attend to any details. Have a plan for managing your time. Clear out the clutter in your home. This is important. The energy you put in now (preparing for the coming year) will pay off in the decades ahead.
As you enter into the new year, start to get a vision of what you desire for the decades ahead. This is a great time to do a Vision Board or to begin to envision a future you desire. Also, focus on what you are grateful for,. Consider creating a Gratitude Journal. Whatever you focus on in this year can rapidly move into manifestation. Focus on good stuff.
An Eight – Wood Dragon Year: 2024 will be an incredibly expansive year. It’s a great year for your dreams to manifest and to take action on the projects of your life. It’s time to step into your power and grace! It also might be a year of upheaval or shake up in political structures and traditional systems of society—hang in there! It can also be a great year for medical innovations and discoveries, as well as spiritual transformations and frequency shifts.
Mystical portals are opening! It is a GREAT year to be the sacred observer, knowing that everything is in a constant state of evolution.. and that is the nature of life. Keep breathing and believing . . . in goodness and grace.
Well, those are my perceptions for the times ahead. If I’m right, 2024 can be a potentially bumpy, but also exhilarating ride of a lifetime. Let the good times roll.
Much love,

Denise Linn, Founder of the Linn Academy

Denise is the founder of the Linn Academy, which offers certification programs in life coaching, feng shui, space clearing, clutter clearing, oracle card reading, dream coaching and much more. These are all programs that Denise created, and has taught for many years. Some programs are online, and some are now offered through trainers that she has certified.

Mystic Cafe is a new Online Community created by Denise and her daughter Meadow Linn. Join Denise and the other Star Travelers at the Mystic Café for good conversation, healing, and galactic travels through time and space without ever leaving the comfort of your home. If you want to transform your life, make a difference in the world, and meet new friends along the way, pull up a chair at The Mystic Café.

When you enter the Mystic Café, you immediately become a Star Traveler. Leave behind the confines of the world you know to travel freely to experience life as you’ve never known it before.  READ MORE

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