by LuAnn Cibik,  Interior Alignment® Master Educator, Soul Coaching® Advanced Trainer, Master Oracle Card Reader


Even writing that title, I got a little nervous. The word tribe is apparently controversial. So, I understand that for some, this word conjures another meaning…

Yet for me, this word resonates to a feeling that is warm and inclusive. The words given as synonyms: family, clique, associations, bands, bunches, kin, offspring, classification, ancestors  … don’t necessarily have that same feeling for me.. Perhaps that is just a romantic notion of mine… that people of the same tribe have a sense of loyalty, friendship and common goals and viewpoints.

Your family might indeed be your loyal community, but I think you would be in the minority.  I tend to see many people that while they love their family or clique of friends,  that sense of ‘true community’ might not be there.

Many years ago, back when I wrote computer programs for a living, I kept my passion for things like feng shui, space clearing, oracle cards, essential oils, etc., under wraps. The people I hung out with just didn’t get it. And held some pretty different beliefs. I loved them… but they didn’t feel like, well, my tribe.

Then, I followed a crazy dream… I became an Interior Alignment® Feng Shui Practitioner. And I found my tribe. A clan of people who also loved those things I was so secretly passionate about. Of course, there were still many different viewpoints, people with different backgrounds and different walks of life, yet it felt like I had finally come home to a family of my soul.  I made friends in that class that I still connect with today. As the years went by, and we began to have conferences where all the graduates and public gathered, it reignited that feeling of being with others who were of similar beautiful beliefs and practice of hope and kindness. One of the things we would do at these conferences is place an oracle card on the seat of each chair, and I still have the card I received at one of these events… you guessed it… it’s this exact card : Gathering Your Tribe.

How can you find your very special group, and bring that feeling of belonging and support into your home?

  1. Discover what you are truly joyfully passionate about.  Don’t let the media ignite you on what you should be passionate about… I want you to follow a passion that brings you joy, not anger. Think about what you used to do as a child that would allow you to lose hours just being immersed in the play.
  2. Do what you love!  Step back into coloring, or Legos® or whatever that passion was (or you dreamed about doing but were never able to as a child)
  3. Once you have found your passion you might put symbolism of this in your home, start showing to the world with what it is that makes you happy. Display your Lego creations. Hang up some of your crayon artwork.
  4. Find others who love to do this as well. Do you love watching birds? The internet is a great place to find other groups of bird watchers, maybe some even local to you that you can connect with. Not every group might feel like the right one, but you can’t find your tribe without looking for them. And the best way is to keep doing what you love doing and find others who feel the same. Take courses, go to gathering, even if they are on the internet.
  5. Put up artwork in your home that symbolizes community, that sense of gathering, that sweet sense of bring with others that truly ‘get you.’
  6. Set up your living room to support more than just you and your cat. Creating seating in a circle shape that invites a feeling of sacred community.

I hope in this Rabbit Year of 2023, you find your tribe, your community, your supporters, and most importantly nurture those passions that ignite joy in you that also allows others to shine in their joy as well!



LuAnn Cibik, Interior Alignment® Master Educator, Soul Coaching® Advanced Trainer

“I am delighted to connect with you here in The Linn Academy. I love being a part of this community and all the wonderful people I get to work with as clients and students of Interior Alignment(R) and Soul Coaching(R). I also teach non-certification programs in feng shui, space clearing, rocks, color, and so much more! I call it my Dream Life series, so that people can learn to create the life of their dreams!

I believe so much in the power of community, I also host an amazing online community called Enchanted Living, but both recorded lectures and weekly live ZOOM gatherings of just to most amazing souls! If you are looking for that tribe of kind people who live the realms of energy and magic, come join us!

You can find out more on my website!”


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