by LuAnn Cibik,  Interior Alignment® Master Educator, Soul Coaching® Advanced Trainer

I was afraid. Deep in my gut terrified. My soon to be ex-husband was threatening my life, and the police were telling me I need to find a place to hide, and then go to court for a Protection from Abuse order… and then probably still hide for a while after that. I was an executive at a health care organization (and this was way before the days of being able to work from a remote location) so I knew my ex would know how to find me at least part of the day.  I hid my beloved dog at a friend’s house, and for a while I couch surfed with some other friends that he didn’t know. At this point… I really didn’t know how my life could get better. Life seemed like a tremendous dark hole of danger, and the only emotions I had were anger and fear.

Spoiler Alert…. life is great now.  I can tell you that I had no idea my life could be as blessed as it is now… I didn’t even know how to imagine it getting better. I could not even remember what bliss might feel like.

But … what I did know it that I could just take one day at a time, and do what I could do each day; focus on my work; focus on being safe. Focus on getting out of this crazy relationship legally. It was during this time that I came across the book ‘Quest’ by Denise Linn… and it felt like the breath of hope and fresh air that I needed. I didn’t know how to solve my situation. I only knew that I wanted a life that was peaceful, safe and dare I ask… happy. So, I quested.. in a tiny way in my backyard, and asked my spirit guides (who I just hoped I had some) for help.

Then, I found the book ‘Feng Shui for the Soul’ by Denise… and a fire lit within me! This concept was everything  I loved to study as hobbies; decorating, color, symbolism, numerology, etc. It was all rolled up into one amazing thing – feng shui! I began to practice in my own home…. And then in my office… and life just got better and brighter… and happier.  I finished paying alimony, saved money and studied personally with Denise for my professional feng shui practitioner certification. Then… the universe have me the big, big push to quit my corporate job, and I started my business as a full time feng shui practitioner. This was 20 years ago.

Today, I live in a magical place, love what I do as a Feng Shui practitioner and teacher, and get to work with just the best people in the world. I wake up happy, and I know I am blessed. And I am grateful! I would not have dreamed this could happen. In fact, I would have thought this impossible 25 years ago. I could not have plotted and planned the course to where I am now.

Did I follow my bliss? The path I followed through that time was not the one of logic. Here are some of the ways you can navigate the stars even when you can’t seem to remember what bliss feels like.

1. Trusting your gut in every decision. Notice how it makes your body feel, when you weigh out your options on your choices. 

2. Having faith that your guides are finding the best path, even when you don’t know what it was. So many times we feel we have only this or that choice. We can’t see the big picture. Be willing to allow alternative choices to be considered. Sometimes even entertain totally crazy options in order to think outside the box, and allow  the universe to bring you more doors to walk through.

3. Making choices to spend time time and energy on things you love to do, it creates a energy that attracts more joy and bliss your way.

4. Doing work and volunteering for things you believed in.

It can be hard to ‘follow your bliss’, when you can’t even remember what bliss might feel like. But I’m here to tell you… it’s possible to find your way there!



LuAnn Cibik, Interior Alignment® Master Educator, Soul Coaching® Advanced Trainer

“I am delighted to connect with you here in The Linn Academy. I have been a full time Interior Alignment practitioner, and Soul Coaching Practitioner since 2003. It’s has been an amazing career, and I feel my life is so blessed being able to assist people with creating their best life.

If you would like to work with me privately, I am offering distance consultations with people all over the world. I also offer certification programs in feng shui, space clearing and Soul Coaching® and Forest Therapy. It would be such a  joy to connect with you.”


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