by Terry Bowen,  Soul Coaching® Trainer, Interior Alignment® Advanced Practitioner, Clutter Clearing Practitioner


Trusting the voice within, whether it be your own thoughts or those inspired to you from Spirit, can be hard. Especially when it goes against what you think you want.

After a few years of doing one to one readings for clients, I wanted to do something more than advise them on what Spirit had told me to say. I was young, 24 to be exact, and didn’t feel I should be giving advise to those who were sometimes double my age. Concerned, I sat with Spirit and asked them what I could do. “Coaching,” was all they said, setting me on a path where I researched the right school to train with.

Feeling excited, I found a school which looked to be great and tick all the boxes for the things I was looking for. I sat with Spirit and asked them, knowing deep down something wasn’t adding up. “No,” they said. “We will show you.” Confused but knowing it was right, I did what I was told and waited. A few weeks later, an email came from the coaching school, and taking it as a sign to join them I asked Spirit again. “No, we will show you.” For the second time I followed their advice, but I was also wanting to do something and getting a little impatient. Another email came in some weeks later, and you know how things come in threes and that had to be a good sign … right? “Okay then,” Spirit said and I followed their words thinking I was on the right track. 

Deep down, I knew it wasn’t right. However, putting a lot of money where my mouth was, I went through the training and the more I progressed, the more I knew it wasn’t for me. There wasn’t a told you so from Spirit though. They were still there supporting me and inspired me to follow a new to me author, Denise Linn, on internet radio. I loved her style and even more so her coaching program. After completing the Soul Coaching® program a third time, I knew I wanted to be trained in these methods. “Can I go to this training?” I asked Spirit one day. “Yes,” they replied. And I’ve not looked back since.

Sending huge love,


Terry took the long, expensive way into coaching. Having developed as an intuitive medium, people came to Terry to hear from their loved ones in Spirit, and to be told how to live their lives. This didn’t feel right, and when he asked what he could do, he was heard about coaching and searched for a company to train with. When he found one that he thought would be good, he signed up and then regretted it. The coaching method wasn’t right and wasn’t what he was looking for….



Gateway Dreaming

Gateway Dreaming

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What is Surrender

What is Surrender

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Use Your Home to Help You Surrender

Use Your Home to Help You Surrender

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I surrender

I surrender

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Use Feng Shui to bring more JOY into your LIFE!

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Where Have You Put Your Joy On Hold?

Where Have You Put Your Joy On Hold?

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You Can Make Joy a Part of Your Life

You Can Make Joy a Part of Your Life

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Use Your Home to Step Towards a New Frontier!

Use Your Home to Step Towards a New Frontier!

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