by Terry Bowen,  Soul Coaching® Trainer, Interior Alignment® Advanced Practitioner, Clutter Clearing Practitioner

I was doing really well in my job; but I wasn’t being paid the same amount as others doing the same job. “It’s because I started in the call centre” I told everyone that would listen, and I believed it too. I’d worked my way up from a call centre agent to project manager, but because the company capped wage increases at 10%, I never got what I knew I deserved.

Our beliefs create our reality, and I needed to shift something within me if I wanted to get paid the right amount. I affirmed I was going to get a pay rise for a few days and then asked for one. It was turned down so quick that I added a new belief into the mix that I wasn’t valued. This wasn’t true, because they told me I was doing great, but I still knew there was something to shift within me.

The old belief, added to the new one, stuck with me; I don’t get paid much because I come from the call centre. Yet I was more than that now, so why would it still affect me? Because I was holding onto evidence of where I had come from. In my home filing system, I had every contract, every payslip, even the letter suspending me because of a mistake I made, along with my newest contract. Recognising that I was holding onto evidence to support my belief, I destroyed all the old paperwork and kept only my current contract.

A few weeks later, I asked for a pay rise stating that I was doing the same as others and should be paid as such. Not even my manager could believe it when the pay increase was agreed, and it was over the normal 10% increase.

Is there something in your life that you want more of, but it doesn’t seem to come? Clutter clearing can help you clear out the old and give you the space for more of what you desire to come into your life. Ask yourself what clutter you have in that area and allow the abundant universe to fill it with more of what you do want.

Terry took the long, expensive way into coaching. Having developed as an intuitive medium, people came to Terry to hear from their loved ones in Spirit, and to be told how to live their lives. This didn’t feel right, and when he asked what he could do, he was heard about coaching and searched for a company to train with. When he found one that he thought would be good, he signed up and then regretted it. The coaching method wasn’t right and wasn’t what he was looking for….



I shouldn’t say this, but …

I shouldn’t say this, but …

by Terry Bowen, Master Teacher of Soul Coaching® Oracle Card Reading, Advanced Soul Coaching® Trainer, Interior Alignment® Teacher, Clutter Clearing PractitionerI was speaking at an event and casually dropped in that "Soul Coaching® made me gay." There was a little...

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Welcoming Grace Through Elimination

Welcoming Grace Through Elimination

 by Kyla Tustin,  Soul Coaching® Advanced TrainerSay it with me .. "I graciously accept the infinite love of the universe!" .. now how do you FEEL?When I read these words out loud, they bring a sense that all is well in the world once more. However, there have been...

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Grace – It’s More Than What You Say at Dinner

Grace – It’s More Than What You Say at Dinner

by LuAnn Cibik,  Interior Alignment® Master Educator, Soul Coaching® Advanced Trainer, Master Oracle Card ReaderOur message this month is about the energy of Grace; and a huge aspect of that is Kindness. This quality is one that our world desperately needs right now....

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Embracing Grace while Clutter Clearing

Embracing Grace while Clutter Clearing

by Felicia D'Haiti,  Interior Alignment® Master Teacher, Soul Coaching® Trainer, Clutter Clearing MentorHow many times have I heard someone say that they wanted support with clutter clearing but did not want me to see how “horrible” their spaces were? And how many...

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The Library We Hold Within

The Library We Hold Within

by Kerry Dalzotto, Advanced Soul Coaching(R) PractitionerI stood there alone with a scrumptious canape in one hand and my entrance ticket in the other. I watched and observed as others around me mingled and chatted with one another, laughing, smiling and...

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Finding Joy in the Unknown

Finding Joy in the Unknown

by Felicia D'Haiti,  Interior Alignment® Master Teacher, Soul Coaching® Trainer, Clutter Clearing Mentor Recently, I had the opportunity to share photographs and stories from one of my college experiences with a friend. During my junior year in college, I attended...

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Surrender To The Process

Surrender To The Process

by Dorena Kohrs,  Interior Alignment® Practitioner, Soul Coaching® Practitioner, Clutter Clearing PractitionerYou know those infamous childhood stories that get told every time your family gathers. Somewhere in between the second helping of mashed potatoes...

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Delight is Journey: Make it Joyful

Delight is Journey: Make it Joyful

by Bill Schwingel,  Interior Alignment® Master Teacher, Soul Coaching(R) Practitioner   Ever finish doing something and realize that “thing” created a shift? A shift in the way you think, the way you feel or the way you plan to move forward? For me recently, it...

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Press Play on Delight

Press Play on Delight

by Kyla Tustin,  Soul Coaching® Advanced Trainer In the garden where mysteries play, Let your spirit be the guide, liberating your way. With joy as your compass, dance with glee, As magic and wonder set your heart free. Take a journey this month through days that...

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