by LuAnn Cibik,  Interior Alignment® Master Educator, Soul Coaching® Advanced Trainer

As a feng shui consultant, one of the biggest requests from client is about how they can generate more abundance using the art of feng shui. The bagua is one of the tools of a consultant, and is the magical energy map we place over a property in order to adjust different aspects of someone’s life. And everyone wants to know if their abundance area is perfect!

To work with the bagua, divide your home into 9 equal-ish squares, like a tic tac toe board. If you live in the northern hemisphere, your abundance area is the back left  – in the Southern Hemisphere it’s the back right. This area should feel lush like a springtime garden or a verdant forest. It should feel like growth, as we want our abundance to be growing. You might want symbolism of plant life, tall shapes, and symbols or representation of what feel s like abundance to you. Maybe not stacks of money… but what feeling abundant means in your life.  Maybe that is a vacation destination, more time for hobbies, spending time with cherished loved ones, or the security that all the bills are paid… its personal and unique to everyone.

We also want to make sure that this area is clutter free. Clutter is anything you don’t use and don’t love, so take a look around… are you keeping something out of worry that you might need it someday? (This generates a feeling of lack.) Is that item still there because  you feel guilty if you would release it? (Do you really want an abundance of guilt?)

Once you make sure that everything is used and loved, it can still feel like clutter if it’s not honored with appropriate storage. Lots of stuff, even beloved stuff, can block the energy from flowing in this space… and block your abundance.

If this all seems great, and your abundance still isn’t flowing, it might be time to look at some other areas of the bagua that can impact this area. Just like in tic-tac-toe, you need more than one square to win. In this case, you might need to look at a couple of other places, and how you welcome abundance into your life.

Self-Knowledge and Ancestry/Family/physical health are two areas in alignment with Abundance. If the definition of abundance is ‘how you are rewarded for what you do in life’, you might need to honor what you are good at or cultivate the knowledge needed. The next step is to take action physically – accessing the genetic gifts you were born with and your vitality. This can be a winning abundance score!

Another way for an abundance score is the diagonal win (everyone loves that in tic-tac-toe). The center of the home represents Mind-body-spirit balance. And that opposite corner is about Helpful People /Travel. To rev up your abundance energy, think about who is helpful to you, and step into that energy of gratitude. Perhaps find a way to honor those helpful beings. Travel represents that connection to others outside your home, and can also represent how you are helpful to others. The center of your home, should hold symbolism of what is most important to your in life… core values, and help you to live a life in alignment with those ideals.

There are 9 areas in the bagua, and all are important to a balanced life. While our modern life tends to focus on the importance of abundance,  it’s only one square out of 9 , and there are plenty of others ways to create a winning life!

LuAnn Cibik, Interior Alignment® Master Educator, Soul Coaching® Advanced Trainer

“I am delighted to connect with you here in The Linn Academy. I have been a full time Interior Alignment practitioner, and Soul Coaching Practitioner since 2003. It’s has been an amazing career, and I feel my life is so blessed being able to assist people with creating their best life.

If you would like to work with me privately, I am offering distance consultations with people all over the world. I also offer certification programs in feng shui, space clearing and Soul Coaching® and Forest Therapy. It would be such a  joy to connect with you.”


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