by Diantha Harris,  Interior Alignment® Practitioner

In this world of increasing duality, compassion seems to be in short supply these days. It seems that people are taking a “my way or the highway” type of stance in everything from apples to zebras. Some are being silenced, others are becoming more strident, and there doesn’t seem to be much gentility, kindness or compassion left in the world.

However, as I understand it, we are on a path of ascension, both the earth and its inhabitants, so it is a perfect time to hone our skills around the idea of compassion. In truth, we are all still One. But it seems that so many people have forgotten this and see others, especially others who think differently than they do, as creepy critters who shouldn’t be allowed to breathe the same air as they do!

As we move closer to the movement from a 3D world to a 5D reality, the split between the dark and the light is growing wider. The world of duality has gotten more intense. There are few left in the middle any longer. In the end, this is causing so much division among people right now that even families and long time friendships are breaking apart. We are so attached to our own opinions that we put that before anything else.

Let’s just take a deep breath here. Take a deep breath and take a good look at how you are treating the ones you love. Are you embracing compassion for those with whom you disagree? Are you allowing other people the right to hold on to their beliefs? Are you honoring the sovereignty of yourself and others?

To assure that ascension happens we must all keep our vibrations as high as possible. The quality of compassion helps us do so. The more kind and compassionate we can be, the faster we will lift up the earth, ourselves and all sentient beings on this lovely planet.

Now is the time to leave duality behind and bond together as one again. We all want the same things in life more or less.  Security, love, some measure of success, relationships that work….and a place to belong. There was once a saying that stated: Live and Let Live. Which means that of course we don’t always agree. We never will. But we are all pursuing the same thing ultimately: a safe space in which to live and raise our families and do our work in. All within the framework of honoring each other and living with compassion for others.

As we move towards a New Earth, let us join forces and help each other along the journey. I once heard a wise teacher say that none of us will make it unless we all make it. So let’s make it! Together!

Diantha Harris, Interior Alignment® Practitioner

Diantha Harris has studied energy from many different standpoints including Interior Alignment(R), Feng Shui, Color, Flower Essences, Essential Oils, Aura Soma, and Floral Acupuncture among others. She has been trained in reading the Akashic Records, in Ocean Oracle (reading of sea shells), and intuitive readings.

The author of two prominent books on color, Diantha has also created over 40 energetic sprays made from essential oil, gem elixirs, and/or flower essences that are major tools in her toolbox.


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