by Denise Linn,  Founder, The Linn Academy

Almost five decades ago, I married a man I barely knew—that’s another story. I was living in Hawaii at the time.  Right after we were married, he said, “If we are really married, you’ll move to Northern California with me.” I loved Hawaii. I had a wonderful job and lots of friends.  But, crazily – or so it seemed at the time – I said ‘Yes” and we moved to a shack in an isolated part of Northern California.  We had no phone. No television. We knew no one. And we were broke.  Really broke.

David, my new husband, proposed that he would go to San Francisco – which was 6 hours away  – and find some work on a construction site. He could come back for some weekends.  He said that he would sleep on the site, to save money—which he did. 

This meant that I was alone for days at a time, in a cold, drafty shack with no friends and no transportation . . . and no way to communicate with the outside world. One day, after David had left was in the city, I looked in the cupboard and there was nothing to eat. Nothing . . . not even a box of stale crackers.  I was hungry and David wasn’t going to be back with any money or food for three days. I had no money. Not even a handful of change. Nothing. I was hungry.

 I reminded myself that monks could go for long periods of time without food, so I would be okay until David came back.  But I was so hungry.

 I went outside and sat in some tall grass thinking about how hungry I was. I thought that if I had just a dollar I could buy some food. I closed my eyes and visualized having a dollar. When I opened my eyes … tumbling toward me, in the breeze. . . was a dollar bill. WOW!!! I held the dollar in my hand. It was a miracle! 

I had no idea how it came to be there, but I jumped up walked to the road, stuck my thumb out. I hitched a ride to a country grocery store and bought a small carton of milk and a roll. My dollar just covered it!

Later as I sipped my milk, and savored my roll, I thought about that miracle dollar.  It seemed to me that one some level, I had attracted that dollar to me with my visualization. I realized that I could use the same principle to manifest larger amounts…it was simply a matter of belief. 

I never again had money roll up to me, but something shifted inside of me as a result of that dollar bill. It was a turning point.

 From that point, I believed that it was possible to attract abundance. I realized that belief could be a key to expand one’s prosperity and our finances began to change.  Of course, in addition to belief, you also need to take action. We worked for the money that we made; we didn’t get rich, but we were comfortable. I visualized an abundant life. It worked.  If you believe that it’s possible and you deserve it, you are more likely to prosper. If you believe that the Universe has your back, it will. BELIEVE!

Denise Linn, Founder of The Linn Academy

Denise Linn has been called “America’s best-kept secret.” For the last three and a half decades she has traveled to the far corners of the world speaking to standing-room only audiences of thousands. Her spiritual journey began as a teenager when she had a near-death experience after being shot by an unknown gunman. The revelations she received on the “other side” and the subsequent amazing healing of her wounds led Denise to eventually become an internationally respected healer, writer, and teacher.

A world-acclaimed expert in feng shui and space clearing, Denise has distilled the information and wisdom into her teachings that she gained from indigenous cultures around the planet— the aborigines of Australia, the Zulu in Africa, the Maori of New Zealand (where she was given the title of tohunga), as well as from her own Native American roots.



All is Possible

All is Possible

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