by Patti Allen, Advanced Soul Coaching(R) Trainer
When life deals you the Talking Stick card, you know it’s a time to express your truth; deeply and honestly. Many people have trouble with this as we weigh the impact of our words. “Will you still love me if I say that or will it make my life or relationships worse?” “Will you be here for me if you don’t like my truth?” “Will my words and my truth be used against me?” The ego and personality speak in a different voice than the soul.
One of the easiest ways to communicate truthfully and lovingly I learned in one, simple explanation. Long, long ago, late in the last century, I spent a weekend on a juice fast with Mohawk Elder and healer, Jan Longboat, on Six Nations land, here in Ontario, Canada. I learned so many things while there as the teachings came from her heart and her traditions. Yet, one of the most profound lessons came from this simple sentence. Jan said, “The one holding the Talking Stick has the right to speak. Everyone else has the right to listen.” As I sat with her simple instructions, I learned that the Talking Stick is not only about speaking. It’s about listening!
The Talking Stick asks that we speak truthfully and authentically. When we don’t pause and listen within, we run the risk of speaking from ego, not soul. This also means we must listen outwardly to others and to the earth. To listen to others and their truth, to listen to the plants and trees, the blowing breezes and the environment, gives us an understanding of the big picture in any given situation. Then we can listen inside, to know and express our heart’s truth. Listening is the key to finding our truth and speaking. Listening brings balance that keeps our truth coming from a soulful place. Speaking without listening isn’t Truth; it is talk. When we receive the Talking Stick, we are already listening with respect, then we speak, surrounded by others who are also deeply listening, then the cycle of heart-felt truth is empowered and renewed. There is a time to listen; a time to speak. Balance is the key to finding and speaking our truth.

Patti Allen, Soul Coaching® Advanced Trainer
“I am pleased to be offering Soul Coaching® Practitioner Trainings, along with Soul Coaching® groups, one-on-one Soul Coaching sessions, in person or by phone, computer and email. Whether new to personal growth or a seasoned explorer, Soul Coaching® provides you with a gentle yet powerful tool in your soul’s transformation. You can begin wherever you are at this moment! The Soul Coaching program is the most balanced and authentic tool that I’ve seen for growing your soul, while staying in touch with your body and emotions and continuing to live in the world! I would be honoured to guide you in this journey. Blessings, Patti”
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