by Kyla Tustin,  Soul Coaching® Advanced Trainer

When I was younger I always THOUGHT I was abundant, though I never really FELT abundant. I worked very hard from the age of 14 and could always buy what I wanted and yet deep inside there was a sense of not enough, never enough, lack. It was like a voice of unworthy, undeserving fueled my desire to have more, do more, be more and yet I never felt the joy, contentment or satisfaction I deeply craved.

That was until after years of healing, letting go of my past and soulFULL deep diving I began to feel enough from within. With this came a sense of surrendered presence for the enoughness of each moment and the value of my part and contribution within the simplest moments, like a morning smile with a stranger.

Now let’s not be all rose tinted glasses and pretend that loving ourselves is a simple act, it takes a dedication to love daily or that once we love ourselves everything we’ve ever abundantly desired magically flows our way without any need for action (it sure helps to align your vibration with love, rather lack). This mission of self love, life, and abundance continues our whole life in ebbs and flows my friend and fully accepting this means welcoming and allowing yourself to dream big, while living gratefully present.

One thing is certain, change will happen if we like it or not, and 2020 has been evident of this. So let’s ensure we magnetically direct your energy, intention, attention and days with thoughts of wondrous dreams to come, rather than fears and worries of all we don’t want occurring. Committing to live through an abundant lens of love, rather than lack, creates a much more enjoyable adventure of change, and an easier ride of the chaos, challenges, tragedies and sad days with a faithful hopeFULLness in your heart.

To become a magnet to all your heart and soul’s desires we must be willing to focus on gratitude, appreciation and celebration for even the smallest blessings in our lives. With a dedication to reviewing, reflecting, rewriting and letting go of the beliefs, ideas, behaviours, habits and concepts which may limit us and hold us back from reuniting with all that we were born to be, and the natural ability within us to BE infinitely abundant. If not, we can find ourself in a constant sense of lack and blocking the flow of abundance which wants to arrive creatively to us at every moment.

This month I invite you to welcome the opportunity within each moment to breathe in the energy, the prana of life, and to breathe out all that no longer serves your soul’s expansion, illumination and empowerment. And to be honest, you don’t even really need to know what any of this is, simply be willing to let go of the grip you may have held so tightly to your life. Let go of the thoughts of fear and doubt that flow in, let go of focusing on all that is missing and take moments of deeply breathing gratitude for all that is currently present so that you can fly even higher. Then as your brain resides and you open up to directing, rather than controlling the flow, even greater levels of abundance, love, joy, and all the magic become even freely available to you.

Together let’s intentionally breathe and #pressplay on gratitude, unity, and peace be with all abundance into our hearts, bodies and Mother Earth this powerful, life will never be the same, November.

Kyla Tustin, Soul Coaching® Advanced Trainer

Kyla is an International Soul Coaching® Trainer, Master Practitioner, Energy Healer, and expert on ‘Pressing Play on Manifesting Your Greatest Business, Culture and Life.’ Her deep intuitive wisdom supports you to get out of the way, as you discover how to rise in love with yourself, wake up happy and energised, uncover your unique creative spark purpose, and transform all of this into actionable and successful long lasting results.


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