by Kyla Tustin,  Soul Coaching Advanced Trainer

As we enter the last 4months of what has been an unusually unexpected 2020 it can become very easy to imagine the bleakness within our year so far.

 In Australia our year started with savage bushfires, which led to torrential storms & flooding, a global pandemic and now ongoing social isolation, lockdown & restrictions to our everyday freedoms.

 In running my annual, yay it’s a new decade VisionBoard workshops, this was not what I had in mind .. though strangely even through all of this I’ve been receiving wondrous messages of dreams coming true. Which often reminds me of the beautiful Taoist story we share in the Soul Coaching certification “it’s not good, it’s not bad, we don’t know the whole story.”

One thing is for certain as we move through transformative times in our lives, where it feels like we are being challenged by dragon after dragon it’s hugely valuable to feel everything that is rising to release and then return our attention to what treasure might be found.

Often as we look beneath the surface of our lives, when we move our attention to what is wrong, missing, out of our control or leading to our anxieties and frustrations we are able to find what is present, and gratitude’s and appreciations beyond our wildest dreams. Before entering the world of Soul Coaching I never really knew what contentment and gratitude felt like, it was a strange concept which curiously I saw in others and wondered if maybe I was missing the gene. I was always rushing to the next career milestone, financial goal or shiny object and never really paused long enough to find the divine treasure in all that was already within my life. Happily I now start each day with this intention of feeling into all I am grateful for within my life and expecting miracles – while knowing finally that the miracles are actually within the simplest of moments. A smile with a stranger as I enjoy sunrise. The singing of a Kookaburra smiling at the day awakening. Dancing like crazy to my favourite song. Sipping my orgasmic morning latter, rather than rushing it down as if I needed it to exist and ready for the next one hehe. And most importantly connecting with all of those I truly, madly, deeply love and appreciate in my life.

Only today I received a 15sec message from a dear friend in Canada and seeing her face and hearing her words sharing how much she loved and missed me filled my heart and reminded me “treasure” can be found everywhere, when we slow down long enough to feel and receive it.

Our mission for this month is to simply allow ourselves, and schedule, time every single to look for the treasure, beauty and gratitude’s within your day. Even, and especially, if they arrive dressed up as a scary dragon, though I personally love dragons, they remind me of the transformative purification and alchemical power of the element of FIRE. Clearing out the old and welcoming in the new.

Huge love to your all and prayers of peace be with you coming your way and to mother earth as the fires continue to burn and the tornado winds continue to blow xx.

Kyla Tustin, Soul Coaching® Advanced Trainer

Kyla is an International Soul Coaching® Trainer, Master Practitioner, Energy Healer, and expert on ‘Pressing Play on Manifesting Your Greatest Business, Culture and Life.’ Her deep intuitive wisdom supports you to get out of the way, as you discover how to rise in love with yourself, wake up happy and energised, uncover your unique creative spark purpose, and transform all of this into actionable and successful long lasting results.


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