by Terry Bowen – Interior Alignment Practitioner and Soul Coaching Trainer

Abundance is one of those words which makes people think money. I know I do, or maybe that’s just me? However, I’ve come to a point where I am starting to connect abundance with experiences more than money as a sign of my abundance.
“You’re always travelling”, “You’re never home”, “Take me with you” are some of the phrases I’ve heard over the years when I tell people where I’m travelling to and the different places I’m going. Of course, this is connected to abundance, because you cannot travel from one side of the world to another without it (if you know how, then please tell me!). However, I started to think about what I loved most about travelling, and it was the rooms I stayed in.
Of course, there are other amazing things connected to travelling, but I love a good bed with a big quilt and plump pillows. I love the textures of the covers, the sheets and everything that goes with it. I love how the room isn’t cluttered with stuff, it has just the bare necessities (if you can include a trouser press in some rooms!). Above all, it has what I need to relax and recharge.
Denise Linn says that Abundance is a feeling, and that when we find that feeling within ourselves, we’re able to that Abundance. I do this with my bedroom, but more importantly my bed. I have a memory foam mattress, nice sheets and a quilt set which not only feels good, but the colours also soothe my soul. My quilt is middleweight, and my pillows let me lay my head down and fall to sleep easily and effortlessly.
When I wake up in the morning, I’m feeling good and ready to face the day. Sometimes I do stay in bed longer and savour the warmth and feeling of a good night sleep, other times I am up and ready for the day. This for me is living abundantly; going to sleep and waking up feeling good.
What about you? What’s your bed like and how do you feel when you get in it? You don’t have to spend lots on your bed to make you feel abundant, but starting with some small changes will help.

Terry Bowen, Master Soul Coaching® Practitioner and Trainer

Terry took the long, expensive way into coaching. Having developed as an intuitive medium, people came to Terry to hear from their loved ones in Spirit, and to be told how to live their lives. This didn’t feel right, and what he asked what he could do, he was heard about coaching and searched for a company to train with. When he found one that he thought would be good, he signed up and then regretted it. The coaching method wasn’t right and wasn’t what he was looking for.


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