by Felicia D’Haiti, Interior Alignment® Master Teacher, Soul Coaching® Trainer, Clutter Clearing Mentor
Procrastination is not my friend – and it’s not yours either. There was a time when my To Do List was at least a page long. Some of the tasks on the list would have taken less than ten minutes to complete and would not even have made it to the list if I had just completed them when they came up. However, my life at the time was full of many things, including work, managing the family schedule with activities for the six of us, school, business, and other categories of happenings. What typically would happen when something came up is that I would tell myself that I was too busy to deal with it, and it would be relegated immediately to the list. Then, when I looked at the list, all of the little things merged into one huge time commitment to get anything done, and feelings of overwhelm would cloud everything. Has this ever happened to you?
Not until I took a good look at the list and my beliefs about it was I able to release the energy being held captive there. When looking at your own list, or another area where you might feel stuck, look at it from a different perspective. Ask what really needs to be done and how long it will take. Are there things on the list that do not need to be done? Think about how long different items have been on the list. If something has been there for several months and life has gone on, then perhaps it doesn’t need to be done at all. Maybe there’s a lamp or some clothes that you told yourself you were going to repair. Well, if it hasn’t happened in several months, just do it, delegate it, or release it. The release of energy in simply making a choice and taking action on that choice will be freeing.
Clearing clutter is about more than simply what you keep in your physical spaces, it also encompasses beliefs and feelings that you are holding onto as well as mental space that you are keeping full by not completing tasks. A seemingly unmanageable To Do List is taking up a lot of mental space and can bring up many different questions. When am I going to get those things done? Why don’t I ever have enough time to finish things? Why can’t I finish things? I have so much to do. These questions and statements only serve to reinforce lack – lack of time, lack of energy, lack of support and more.
Is there something you’ve considered doing for a while? Whether it’s starting or finishing a project, fixing something, going on a trip, or something else, take action on that thing and you’ll see how much mental, emotional, and physical space it frees up in your life. With some choices we make, we’ll never even know if it was the best possible choice for us at the time unless we take action on it, and truly experience it. If it is a project that can be broken down into baby steps, take that first baby step no matter how small. When we take action, we transform our dreams, goals and intentions into our reality with grace and ease.
Felicia D’Haiti, Interior Alignment® Master Teacher, Soul Coaching® Trainer
As a child, Felicia had an interest in changing her environment, moving furniture, and changing the colors and art work in her room. This continuing passion combined with Felicia’s advanced studies in Art, Art History and Education led her through revelations about her own journeys of discovery and to her current mission of supporting people to clear the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual blockages from their lives.
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