by Kerry Dalzotto, Advanced Soul Coaching(R) Practitioner

With her big brown soulful eyes, she lovingly stares up at me as if to say, “Mum, where are you going now?”. Out comes the luggage, the passports, thermals, gloves, beanies and anything else calling out “holiday” (or vacation as it may be better known in other parts of the globe!). It is so interesting that our pets have an innate knowing when we leave them (even if it’s only for a short time, like going to the shops!).

Freedom is one of my top values in life, and with freedom, I associate it with travel. It’s one of the aspects in my life over the past couple of decades that I have grown accustomed to with deep gratitude. In travel, I have learned some of my greatest lessons in life, in both joy and sorrow.

From venturing into Egyptian pyramids, hiking up mountains in Nepal, ice-fishing in Finland, to a relaxing view of a Balinese sunset, these and many other images of global beauty come pouring into my mind.

With time spent in nature, no matter where we may reside in the world, or where we choose to visit, we can learn some of our most rewarding life lessons. So often these days, we are under artificial lighting or attached to our devices, absorbed with negativity through social media realms, that we can easily forget to get back to basics and what is truly important in life. The importance of tuning into the natural rhythm of the world around us instinctively tunes us into our internal world.

I invite you to become curious about how you may start to spend more quality time outdoors, noticing your surroundings, the messages being received from spirit through the sound of the rustling of the trees, the fragrance of blossoming flowers, the movement of the clouds overhead, or the way the rain feels on your body as it cleanses your soul.

I am an avid believer that the earth can be one of our greatest healing catalysts for change. When we permit ourselves to step away from the mundane tasks of daily life and witness the ever-changing world around us, we allow ourselves to witness the changes occurring within. When we also immerse ourselves in the diversity of cultures other than our own or the richness of foreign lands and different terrain we gain new perspectives on life.

Too often, we can become overly absorbed in a monotonous routine, so if this is feeling like you right now, take this as your sign to commence trying something new. Is there something you have been putting off or have always wanted to try yet have retreated to old, outdated beliefs or conditions? It’s time for you to allow yourself to free the chains that bind you and step out of your comfort zone.

In Soul Coaching(R)we associate stepping out of our comfort zone with fire energy, taking risks and seeing life through a different lens.

This is your cue to answer the call, dust off those suitcases, pull out your zest for life and become curious about what and where you want to explore next. Life is an adventure waiting for you to grab it with both hands. So, what are you waiting for – your journey and sweet life awaits!

Kerry Dalzotto, Soul Coaching® Practitioner

“I am the owner of Sacred Wellness here in my beautiful home town of Adelaide, South Australia where I provide a safe space for healing the body, mind and soul. I understand the importance of nourishing ourselves from the inside out and acknowledge that each individual has their own unique stories of wisdom, strength, courage and triumph in an often fast paced world full of challenges and wondrous beauty..”


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