by Elizabeth Ferrall,  Soul Coaching® Practitioner, Elemental Space Clearing Practitioner

I am sure that at some point, you have thought of embarking on an adventure!   I would bet that many of you do take adventures.  For some of us an adventure can be just not following the recipe precisely, and for others it is being dropped off by helicopter with nothing but a snowboard and good mountain gear.  If you are familiar with your interior Indiana Jones, my fedora is off to you! You are awesome. I would love to hear about you escapades!

If you are not excited by the thought of adventure, I would invite you to explore why.  Stress and excitement seem to be major components of an adventure.  And those are the precise reasons that many choose to not go adventuring.  Some people love the feeling of excitement while others interpret the very same body sensations as :Yuck! Bad! Phooy!  And we have been taught in the last couple of decades that stress is a Very Bad Thing.  Or is it?  Chronic stress, overwhelming feeling stress, long term stress, yes, I agree these things can be terrible to endure. But there can be benefits from taking challenges and allowing your body to relax after the stressful moment is over.  The learning to let yourself relax afterward is the key part, and from what I have read about the human stress response, little “practices” of this cycle can teach your mind and body that there will be a reward at the end of a stress cycle if you can take it through the stress to the relax afterward.  By offering yourself these undertakings you will expand your  activities dictionary and fewer things will call up the unpleasant stress response.  Not every adventure means a change in your life, but there is a vivacity that is available when you get out of your daily routine and see what else life has to offer.

If you are to approach the invitation to go on an adventure by using a Elemental Space Clearing as a tool to ease any reluctance you may have there are many wonderful ways to do this! 

My first suggestion is to give yourself space and openness to make a choice of  your adventure.  Clear your coffee table of your well chosen items, and use it instead to display items relating to the things that you are thinking about doing.  Open a window or turn on a fan to circulate the air around you.  If the idea is really stressful, look at them from a few steps away or from across the room:  Do you want to hike Scotland on your own? Or take Salsa dancing lessons!  Approach slowly, and allow yourself time to become accustomed to the new ideas. Make your choice and pack your supplies.   Once made, set your choice in a place of honor in your home, where you will see it and get to think about it. Anticipation is a spice to adventure that may be an acquired taste. 

Also: Take the time to really clear out the past stress from your clothes.  If you have an outside place to air them, do that, or after cleaning, spritz your item with a good smelling essential oil spray.  Shoes too! 

Finally consider adding more adventures into your life on a small but consistent basis. Consider give yourself an adventure challenge.  Shine up a few coins (hot sauce on a paper towel is amazing for making coins shiny and impressive looking!) and use them to keep track of your adventures.  Or write an affirmation -I asked Chat GPT to come up with one for me and got: “Every day is an opportunity for adventure, and I embrace it with courage, curiosity, and an open heart.” and repeat this type of affirmation to yourself every time you leave your bed. 

But last of all, once you have had your adventure, come home to a place of relaxation! Go over the adventure with friends, loved ones, review your photos, place a souvenir, recommend a new discovery, and allow your body to let go of the anticipation, stress and excitement. Then perhaps allow your mind to wander to other adventures!

Elizabeth Ferrall, Soul Coaching® Practitioner, Elemental Space Clearing Practitioner

Reverend Elizabeth Ferrall is an Elemental Space Clearing Practitioner™ and Soul Coaching(R) Practitioner. She has her own Energy Healing practice in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains in Virginia. She also serves as a visiting medium and a Healer at the Spiritualist village in Lily Dale, NY. Her practice is focused on helping her clients create balance in their life through a variety of tools, including hands-on energy healing, tarot and other methods, plant essences, sound healing and coaching….


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