by Barbara Amrhein-Krug, Soul Coaching® Practitioner

Since my childhood I wished to be a singer and musician.

When I was about 8 years old, I planed entrances on my stage, which has been our living room. The audience listen, while sitting on convenient seats – our diningroom chairs. My microphone was  a big wooden spoon. I finished my performance with a deep bow. Of course my parents, the audience, were clapping and thrilled.

Perhaps you can empathize the moment my dream ended.

At the age of 10 I changed from elementary school to secondary school. I saw it clear – I will go to the artistic secondary school! But 1970 my parents do not allow it. Their fear, the little daughter alone by bus, walking through a big town exposed to the difficult world by herself, has been too overpowering to them.

For me my dream died. My heart comprise my dreaming and I forgot for a long time.

Then, Soul Coaching(R) changed my life and break down the wall around my heart.

Here my suggestions to come closer to your passion.

  1. Breath! Practice daily and you can hear the gentle voice of your heart. My favourite breath-practice:Breath in your usual way. Breathing in: thinking „ in- 1“ Breathing out: „out-1“.continue „ in- two“, „out-two“ until 10. Repeat as often as you feel being in the moment, in the present.
  1. Sit still and listen what your soul wants telling you.
  2. Feel into your heart and feel the desire from your childhood.
  3. Take action.

I know, that my time is over to become a well-known singer.

BUT there is a BUT!

Since about 6 weeks I have a vocal coach. And I will apply for a Song Contest.

I will go over my edge of fear not to be good.

I will go over my edge to fail.

I will go over my edge of the childhood trauma and overcome it.

And if I can do it – you can do it too! I know that for sure.

Let us be courageously  playing as a child!



Barbara Amrhein-Krug, Soul Coaching Practitioner

Ein Sprichwort aus Indien besagt, dass jeder von uns wie ein Haus mit vier Räumen ist – einem mentalen, emotionalen, physischen und einem spirituellen. Die vier Elemente Luft, Wasser, Feuer und Erde sind unterstützende Werkzeuge beim Betreten dieser inneren Räume.
Im Soul Coaching® Programm wird das alte Wissen der 4 Elemente genutzt, um verborgene oder sichtbare Unordnung zu bereinigen, sich mit der Kraft des Universums zu verbinden und so die innere Stimme der eigenen Seele wahrzunehmen.

Ich freue mich, wenn ich Sie durch dieses kraftvolle 28 Tage Programm führen darf. Das Programm ohne Bindung an einen Ort in einer online Gruppe zu erleben ist für viele, die sehr beschäftigt sind oder keinen Soul Coach® vor Ort haben, eine wunderbare Möglichkeit – natürlich auch per Telefon.

Danke Denise, dass ich 2003 Soul Coaching® bei Dir in Paso Robles erleben und erlernen konnte und dadurch die Wahrheit meiner Seele immer intensiver höre.



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