by Felicia D’Haiti,  Interior Alignment® Master Teacher, Soul Coaching® Trainer, Clutter Clearing Mentor

How many times have I heard someone say that they wanted support with clutter clearing but did not want me to see how “horrible” their spaces were? And how many times did I see that space expecting what the owner described to me, and saw that it was not nearly as “horrible” as they described? Typically, we can be so much more critical of ourselves than we ever are with others and become stuck in self-judgment. The Grace card reminds us to be loving and understanding with ourselves as we move through all of our life experiences. This reminder can be particularly important when trying to release clutter.

Most often, clutter accumulates gradually. It’s one broken item that we intend to fix, then another not often used item, or something that we intend to get back to later. Sometimes, it’s an item that reminds us of a person or experience. These things, those once used and loved, often find themselves transferred from primary to secondary locations, then finally to the basement, garage, attic, or hidden in a closet or under the bed. These things remain untouched for so long that they become part of the backdrop for our home. As their presence fades into the background, and we no longer actively reference or think about them, they still add energy to our spaces. They may represent lack consciousness, not letting go of emotions or beliefs, or something else.

Then, one day, we get the nudge to clear out our spaces. We take a good look around and finally see all the things that we were previously unaware of. We are shocked. That’s usually when the ungracious thoughts and emotions begin to surface, and the critical questioning begins. Why did I hold on to all this stuff? Why did I keep a broken lamp in the basement for five years, or that blender that I haven’t used for ten years? Whatever these items are, we sometimes even wonder where they came from. How did we let our homes get to the point where we don’t even want people to come over?

When these questions and self-criticisms surface, we need to remind ourselves to embrace grace, and to be loving and kind to ourselves through this process of release. As the clutter didn’t just show up out of the blue one day, it will not be cleared out in just a day. In fact, a slow steady approach is often best. It is essential to create a vision for our ideal home and to also be realistic about where we are now. When doing both of these, we can create a clear map connecting where we are now to where we desire to be.

And instead of asking self-critical questions, turn those questions into ones of curiosity. Ask what different objects you’ve kept represent to you. Express gratitude for the support and use you received from the objects at one time and their accompanying experiences, then celebrate the release of each item as a step forward in creating your ideal home and your ideal life. Self-forgiveness is key as we learn to appreciate and love ourselves for all parts of our journey. Embrace grace on every step of this journey. Be loving and supportive of yourself as you release what no longer serves you at this time. As you do, you will learn that you are gaining much more than you are losing.


Felicia D’Haiti, Interior Alignment® Master Teacher, Soul Coaching® Trainer

As a child, Felicia had an interest in changing her environment, moving furniture, and changing the colors and art work in her room. This continuing passion combined with Felicia’s advanced studies in Art, Art History and Education led her through revelations about her own journeys of discovery and to her current mission of supporting people to clear the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual blockages from their lives.



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