by LuAnn Cibik,  Interior Alignment® Master Educator, Soul Coaching® Advanced Trainer, Master Oracle Card Reader


How does the word Delight feel to you? I get the feeling of giddy giggling, big smiles, and sensuous simple pleasures. I see so many homes in my work as a feng shui and space clearing practitioner. The trend of modern minimalism can feel sleek, clean, and very grown up. And many people living in those spaces are sometimes lacking a bit in the feeling of Delight in their life. 

You don’t need to remodel or redecorate to bring some feng shui solutions into ‘play’ ( pun intended!). Here are 5 tips you can used to bring more Delight into your home and your life!:


  1. Symbolism of Play!  Play means something different for everyone. I loved my Barbie as a kid, and Barbies dressed as Goddesses adorn the bookshelves in my office. I have adult friends with Legos in their offices. You are never too old to have that reminder to take time to play. Think about what your favorite childhood fun might have been, or how you play now … biking, camping, sports?  See how you can pop some of this symbolism into your serious spaces to give a secret pop of delight!
  2. Photos Have Power! Look at the photos of family and friends in your space. Or even artwork of people’s faces that you own. Are they happy? Smiling? Joyful? If not, it could be time to switch them out for ones that have a more joy-filled energy.
  3. Delight the Sense of Touch! Feng shui is not just what we see. It’s what we smell, touch, hear and even taste. Adding textures that feel good to touch is one way to get that sensuous feeling. Can you think of how to add these next to your favorite chair? Pillows, throws, rugs, candies and decorative items can bring that sense of delight.
  4. Hear Happiness! The sounds in a space are also a part of the feng shui. A large room with flat surfaces can create an echo, which is not a cozy feeling. Sounds from news reports, violent movies or games, or reality show with bickering people are not delightful sounds. Inject some good sound feng shui with comedy shows filled with people laughing, nature sounds like bird song, or music that makes you happy! Music from your childhood or teen years, has been shown to ramp up the energy within you!
  5. Out with the Old! Time to take a look at what you are keeping. Sometimes it’s not WHAT we are keeping that is the delight blocker, but the reason WHY we are keeping it. Example: Do you keep it because you might not be able to purchase another one someday? That creates a vibe of future lack, and not delight. Review your items with the reason why, and you might find a reason to edit them out or store them out of sight.

 Creating that space that delights you will translate into attracting the energy for a delight-filled life! 





LuAnn Cibik, Interior Alignment® Master Educator, Soul Coaching® Advanced Trainer

“I am delighted to connect with you here in The Linn Academy. I love being a part of this community and all the wonderful people I get to work with as clients and students of Interior Alignment(R) and Soul Coaching(R). I teach programs in feng shui, space clearing, rocks, color, and so much more! I call it my Dream Life series, so that people can learn to create the life of their dreams! I also offer certification in Forest Therapy, and House Acupuncture.

I believe so much in the power of community, I am honored to host an amazing online community called Enchanted Living, with both recorded lectures and weekly live ZOOM gatherings of just to most amazing souls! If you are looking for that tribe of kind people who live the realms of energy and magic, come join us!

You can find out more on my website!”


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