by Terry Bowen,  Master Oracle Card Reader, Soul Coaching® Trainer, Interior Alignment® Advanced Practitioner, Clutter Clearing Practitioner

I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination. ~ Jimmy Dean

I had some bad news this week. A trip I’d planned has been cancelled because of visa issues. I hadn’t expected it and while I have done all I can to make it happen, it’s beyond my control. And I’m okay with what has happened.

Because sometimes, life does that. What we expect, what we desire gets taken away through things we have no control over. 

But what can we do? 

Firstly, express every emotion that you have coming up because of it. Don’t hold them back because bottling them up and pretending everything is fine and part of the universe’s plan doesn’t really help in those first few moments.

When you’re done expressing yourself, then sit quietly and ask what you can do next. For me, I couldn’t take my planned trip, but I can plan another where I have all the paperwork I need. I can also shift what I was going to do in that time into something else or change the time so that I can do other things.

The wind will always blow in that way it’s meant to; we just have to be prepared to adjust ourselves to get to where we desire in life.

With love,


Terry took the long, expensive way into coaching. Having developed as an intuitive medium, people came to Terry to hear from their loved ones in Spirit, and to be told how to live their lives. This didn’t feel right, and when he asked what he could do, he was heard about coaching and searched for a company to train with. When he found one that he thought would be good, he signed up and then regretted it. The coaching method wasn’t right and wasn’t what he was looking for….



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