by LuAnn Cibik,  Interior Alignment® Master Educator, Soul Coaching® Advanced Trainer, Master Oracle Card Reader

There are many reasons why people choose to use feng shui. They want to enhance their life, and have the focus of abundance, or love or other cool aspirations. But as we all know, it’s so hard to enjoy or accomplish anything without your health. Creating a home that holds the vibration for health could be one of the most important things you can do.

In feng shui, we look at the footprint or floorplan of your home, and use a magical ancient map called the bagua, that talks about how different areas of your home hold the energy for that aspect of your life. You work with this based on where your architectural front door is located (even if that is not the door your use). So imagine you are standing, lookin in your front door…

Center of the Home:

This area is called the gua for Body-Mind-Spirit health, and it’s energy touches every other ‘gua’ or area of your home.  By making sure this area is clutter free, and holds energy that feel grounded and nurturing is the essentials for this space. Many people’s homes have hallways, stairways or closets here, which you might think means you can’t ‘do’ feng shui here.  Actually, it’s even more important to pay attention to what you do place here, so that it vibrates with an energy of health and vitality.  Pictures and artwork can be the key for adding this feeling. Take a look at what imagery you have in this space, and upgrade if needed.

For example, I had a client who was feeling very low energy, without a specific diagnosis from a doctor. She felt like she was missing out on life. One of the things I found in the center of her home were multiple images of women sleeping, or a reclining buddha. Lovely images, but we switched them out for the more active kind of images, like a couple bike riding at a beach, or friends walking down a quaint street. A month later,  you guessed it, she was feeling more vibrant!


Family and Health – Left center:

This gua also has to do with the physical health of your body. It recognizes the influence of your genetics, and also what you cultivate for yourself. We want this area to feel uplifting and strong, like a tall tree. Bringing the energy of plants to this area, the color or greens or blues, or even picture of plants can raise the level of the chi.  It’s also a great place to store your essential oils and  diffuser(these hold the life force energy of plants).  What can be a challenge in this space is anything we call metal energy… things that are metal, are white, or have very round shapes… Think lawn mower buzzing down your healthy growing energy. Changing the location of these types of items, even just a few, and adjust the balance of energy in this space.

For example: I have had many clients with beautiful, modern minimal white spaces, that by changing some items out for things that were blue and green, made their space feel more relaxed and also uplifting at the same time.


Healthy Home:

Modern day feng shui needs to account for what happens in our homes that is not great for our health. These are things you look for anywhere in the home, and esepcially rooms like the bedrooms where you spend a lot of time. This is air quality, electrical energy and other dangers from 21st century living. An Interior Alignment(R) Practitioner can work with you to discover if there are man made health challenges in your space, and then also how to solve them. I have several videos on my Youtube channel that talk about some really common issues with EMF’s and Dirty Electricity, and can make you feel tired, immune system stressed, and then ways to remediate this.


Taking just a few steps now to program your home  as a  template for health can make a world of difference in your life!




LuAnn Cibik, Interior Alignment® Master Educator, Soul Coaching® Advanced Trainer

“I am delighted to connect with you here in The Linn Academy. I love being a part of this community and all the wonderful people I get to work with as clients and students of Interior Alignment(R) and Soul Coaching(R). I also teach non-certification programs in feng shui, space clearing, rocks, color, and so much more! I call it my Dream Life series, so that people can learn to create the life of their dreams!

I believe so much in the power of community, I also host an amazing online community called Enchanted Living, but both recorded lectures and weekly live ZOOM gatherings of just to most amazing souls! If you are looking for that tribe of kind people who live the realms of energy and magic, come join us!

You can find out more on my website!”


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