by  Christina Barthelemy, Interior Alignment Feng Shui and Space Clearing Practitioner

Sometimes your biggest calling can come when you least expect it. This happened to me a few years ago on a very regular day. I had just gotten home from work and, as I was walking towards my front door, a very clear thought came out of nowhere – “feng shui”. It was so odd because it wasn’t something that I knew much about or cared to explore in the past.

My career was in interior design and I learned a little bit about feng shui in school but didn’t put much thought into it because, at the time, it sounded like a lot of strict and odd rules that seemed strange and completely foreign to me. 

However, that “thought” – “feng shui” – felt so significant. It hit me out of nowhere and was what I would now call a “drop in”- a clear message from my higher self, guides and angels pointing me in the direction of my soul’s calling. 

I had a strong feeling and deep knowing that I wanted to learn more so I bought every book I could find on feng shui and good energy in your home. One of those books was Denise Linn’s Sacred Space. It was life changing. Everything she wrote was exactly what I instinctively knew and felt about energy, our homes, and our deep connection to them. Her story and wisdom were so moving and beautifully shared that I knew I had to know more about her and connect in some way. 

I was so excited to find that she created a certification program in Instinctive Feng Shui™ and knew that I had to do it. I found my teacher, LuAnn Cibik, and joined her weeklong retreat learning Instinctive Feng Shui™ and Seven Star Blessing Space Clearing & it has radically changed my life in the best way! I was a little nervous about going away for a week with strangers but pushed myself out of my comfort zone and trusted my gut and the pull I felt towards this work. 

I paid attention to the little whispers and the call of my soul and I am beyond grateful that I did. Answering the call doesn’t have to mean taking a huge leap or making a radical change. It can be as simple as following things that light you up and make you feel good because those are the things that your soul loves. For you, that might mean painting, spending more time outdoors, reading about or learning something new, like Reiki, or whatever you feel called to pursue. 

You may not know where answering the call will lead you, but I promise that it will be amazing! Following my call has led me to an incredibly fulfilling career in Space Clearing and Feng Shui where I am of service to others and the planet and am in alignment with my soul’s purpose.

Christina Barthelemy

Hi! I’m Christina Barthelemy- spiritual interior designer, crystal lover, Instinctive Feng Shui™ and Seven Star Blessing Space Clearing™ Practitioner and founder of White Sage Interiors. Simply put, my mission is to bring love and light into spaces, hearts, and homes.I know and fully believe that we are directly connected to our environments. Our homes are an extension of ourselves and our energy and are a direct reflection of us. The same can be said for your business – the life of your business is directly tied to the environment where you work and welcome clients. We are not separate from them and are directly impacted by the energy in them.

I’ve found that in our modern, fast-paced, busy world, many of our environments are out-of-balance, cluttered and disconnected from nature and the natural flow of energy.



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All is Possible

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