by Denise Linn, Founder of the Linn Academy


Welcome to the Linn Academy Website (created by the splendid Linn Academy Graduates). Every month an oracle card is pulled for the month; and for February the card pulled is from the Sacred Traveler Oracle Deck: Choosing Your Path – “All is Possible”

As I thought about this card, many different emotions swirled within me.  As a child and teenager (with a dysfunctional family life) it felt like nothing was possible.  I felt that I didn’t have the skill, finances or self-esteem for almost anything. 

Then as a young adult, I took motivation seminars . . . and everything changed. In the workshops, I stood on my chair yelling ”Anything is possible!!!” with everyone else.  And I really believed it.

However, as I grew older, I began to realize that anything would NOT be possible in my life. I would never become an Olympic skater. I would never become an astronaut or President of the United States.  I sunk into feeling a lack of possibilities in my life as I aged. Every year, as I got older, the seeming possibilities for my life shrunk.

But now, as I claim my elder years, a shift has occurred again.  I once again believe that ALL IS POSSIBLE . . . as a mind-set rather than a physical reality.   I’ve noticed when I believe that anything is possible, my heart opens my mind expands and new adventures await me. This belief unleashes a torrent of inspiration, activates a hero mindset and tells my inner self that I have the ability to slay dragons and lead an epic life. It speaks of not being resigned to one’s life circumstances.  I love this!

We limit ourselves by what we believe about ourselves and our life.  And when I believe that all is possible, my life force vitality and energy fills my being. So here’s the thing…I may never be an Olympic skater, astronaut or US President (and actually I  really wouldn’t want any of those jobs) but holding the mindset that “anything is possible” is an activating force in my life … it makes me feel that the sky is the limit. 

So here’s to anything being possible in YOUR life!

Love,  Denise


Denise Linn, Founder of the Linn Academy

Denise is the founder of the Linn Academy, which offers certification programs in life coaching, feng shui, space clearing, clutter clearing, oracle card reading, dream coaching and much more. These are all programs that Denise created, and has taught for many years. Some programs are online, and some are now offered through trainers that she has certified.

Mystic Cafe is a new Online Community created by Denise and her daughter Meadow Linn. Join Denise and the other Star Travelers at the Mystic Café for good conversation, healing, and galactic travels through time and space without ever leaving the comfort of your home. If you want to transform your life, make a difference in the world, and meet new friends along the way, pull up a chair at The Mystic Café.

When you enter the Mystic Café, you immediately become a Star Traveler. Leave behind the confines of the world you know to travel freely to experience life as you’ve never known it before.  READ MORE

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