By Kati Tuulipuro, Soul Coaching® Practitioner

Have you ever unexpectedly faced a fork in the road? Perhaps with no clear signs on the road to guide you, you’re left to rely on your inner wisdom when choosing which way to follow. Previously you may have been walking on the same road for years, losing some of the excitement you initially experienced when starting the journey. Along the way, an inner desire for change might have started calling within you.


You stand there on the road, looking in both directions: One option may seem more familiar whereas the other somewhat unknown. One option may promise more of the same whereas the other present the possibility of new growth. As you stand there, it is very likely that there are others watching you, others following your example. There is always the opportunity of encouraging others by the choices you make and the dreams you choose to follow.


Sometimes to truly experience freedom, we must leave behind a previous identity in order to be able to move forward unburdened. If you had the possibility of starting over and the freedom to craft your life exactly as you choose, what would you create? What is it that truly makes you feel alive; what is it that brings the deepest forms of joy back into your life?


In nature, it is the snake, in many cultures the symbol of transformation, that sheds and leaves behind the old skin that once provided all the protection the snake needed. If you look at your own life today, do you still have structures or layers of safety or protection that you have outgrown? Through our lifetimes, we grow and evolve, and our inner resources become greater and more solid, sometimes without us even paying attention to it. If we hold onto aspects of life that we have outgrown, perhaps the protection and safety they once provided become restrictive rather than supportive of our freedom. To embrace the new, we must to let go of the old.


Before choosing a new path, what if you paused and allowed yourself some time to consider the new options as well as what you are leaving behind? The moment of choosing a new pathway to follow is precious, a fleeting moment that may change your life. Here I’d like to suggest some action steps for you to consider while facing your fork in the road:


  1. Set clear goals and create an action plan for living life on your terms. In your weekly calendar, choose two days on which to journal about the following topics: 1) an inner or outer expectation that now feels like a burden and that you are choosing to let go of, and 2) one personal desire you wish to pursue in your life.


  1. Make a plan for the new phase in your life and reflect on what it is in your current life that you have outgrown. Identify areas in your life that have become your comfort zones where no more exploration of the new or expansion of your skills is required. If you can, create a step-by-step action plan for transitioning from your current situation to the new life you now desire.


  1. Introduce a “Say Yes Challenge” in your life. You can choose to do this weekly or monthly. Your only task is to find and say yes to an all new weekly or monthly experience, all the while documenting your journey in some way.


  1. Build a support system that will help you during your transition. Share this moment in your life with a friend or a member of your family. You can also explore the possibility of support and soul guidance with a Soul Coaching® Practitioner, for example.


Here we are, entering the Chinese New Year of the Wood Snake. Let’s support each other here at the Linn Academy in finding new pathways as well as greater joy in the extraordinary!


As a Soul Coaching® Practitioner, Kati is dedicated to guiding you on your journey to reconnecting with your inner soul wisdom and creativity as well as realizing your true potential in life. Her goal is to help you uncover and accept your deepest truths that lead to a more energized, authentic and meaningful life.

Kati guides her clients in embracing their ancestral lineages and integrating their past experiences in order to be able to feel empowered to look into a brighter future and step forward in their lives with a deeper sense of joy, self-compassion and courage. She believes that honoring our personal histories stabilizes and strengthens us, akin to a tree’s roots that ensure it stands tall and thrives. Kati believes in the power of understanding our past which informs our present, thereby giving us the ability to create a future where we thrive when guiding and leading others.


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