by Elizabeth Ferrall,  Soul Coaching® Practitioner, Elemental Space Clearing® Practitioner

This month on our cosmic Journey, the members of the Linn Academy are falling in step with the Sacred Traveler Oracle card deck. In particular we are going to share some road with the Knight represented on the “Choosing your Path” card.

All is possible the card tells us, and some of y’all will bound ahead into the forest and do just that – allow anything to be possible and go after what your heart desires. I am cheering you on! You amazing soul you!! It is to the folks who are still standing on the ledge that I want to talk with. If you are still here, you are likely to be of one of two minds. One group is saying, “Nope, all things are not possible. My path is laid out, and there is nothing I can do about it.”

There is another group who are saying, “Ok, if everything is possible, what do I choose? If all things are possible, I don’t want to miss out on the very best thing by choosing the Ok thing, or the wrong thing. Do I get to phone a friend?”

To the second group, I want to say Choose your own path. Choose it with each step you take. You can’t really make the wrong decision so lets put that little burden down. Once you start off in a direction there are infinite choices that you can make. Just because you choose to head east does not mean that you always and forever must travel east. Because if you start off east and something more exciting, enticing or demanding of your attention shows up in another direction, you may choose to follow that interest rather than maintaining your eastwardly path.This is choosing your own path. You make the path – and you get to decide if you will stay on it, or make detours, or change your destination. Here is the magic secret: There is no way to know what might have happened at any point had you made a different decision. So with each step tell yourself, “I am making the best choice for me right now.” Repeat it morning, noon, and night.  Because you will have far more opportunities to make the best choice for yourself as you move forward and see how many options you have. And what if you actually made a bad choice? Keep choosing and keep moving.  Now you have a new set of choices to make. Keep making them. 

Ok, those group two folks are off and now it is just us, “I don’t really have any choice” group one people. With people who feel stuck, here are two tips that you can add to your life that will increase your feeling of freedom and allow you to see the choices that are available to you in any situation. The first tip is a Choice List. There is one rule to a choice list: YOU CAN’T GO BACK IN TIME. You can’t go back and choose door number 2. And really look at what I reminded group one about. You never know how choices you didn’t make would have come out. So – No second guessing. Write your choice list. Name good choices, and bad choices.  Big choices and small choices.  Then look at all the choices you have and choose one to get started.  Don’t forget – you could have worn green today, or you may have decided to throw your cell phone out the car window!

The second tip is a mantra.  If you are still feeling intimidated by making a choice spend a day or two with the mantra, “I chose this.” Say it when you pour your morning tea, say it when you see the sun is shining or the traffic light is turning red. Say it to yourself until you are convinced in your head and in your heart that you are the most reliable and active agent in your life. You make your choices.

Now you are armed with the “All is possible” mindset. Go out and make good choices.

Elizabeth Ferrall, Soul Coaching® Practitioner, Elemental Space Clearing Practitioner

Reverend Elizabeth Ferrall is an Elemental Space Clearing Practitioner™ and Soul Coaching(R) Practitioner. She has her own Energy Healing practice in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains in Virginia. She also serves as a visiting medium and a Healer at the Spiritualist village in Lily Dale, NY. Her practice is focused on helping her clients create balance in their life through a variety of tools, including hands-on energy healing, tarot and other methods, plant essences, sound healing and coaching….


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