By Kati Tuulipuro, Soul Coaching® Practitioner
As individuals understanding the true gifts of creativity, we have embarked on a pathway that is often challenging, and yet incredibly rewarding. Creativity is about more than being able to paint, to write a poem, to play an instrument: it is a way of being, a way of thinking that guides us to step outside the box, to find innovative solutions to unimaginable problems and to evolve in our way of seeing the world, and ourselves within it.
Do you struggle with self-doubt and procrastination despite having many creative ideas?
Do you ever face the fear of not being able to follow through with your creative pursuits?
Does this sound familiar: You are sitting at your desk, staring at a blank page or screen, trying to come up with a new idea for a project at work or a personal venture? Despite all your efforts, nothing seems to spark your interest or creativity. You start feeling frustrated and anxious, doubting your abilities and contemplating whether it is even worth attempting to come up with something new.
How do others do it? How do they tap into the consistent flow of creative ideas? Where do they find confidence in their creative skills, and how do they connect with a community of beautiful supportive souls who help each other and keep each other accountable for their creative visions to become real?
Here are some steps you could try:
- Practice stillness
For just a few minutes, close your eyes to tune out the outer world and tap into the inner realms. When breathing in, allow your breath to transport you into a state of expansion and calm, and when breathing out, allow your breath to bring you to your center and fully land in your physical body. With your breath, just rest and relax in the stillness of your being. It is through the stillness and beauty of your soul that you invite the creative sparks back into your life.
- Immerse yourself in art and creativity
Take time to explore different forms of art and creativity, allowing yourself to become inspired by the creative process of others: beautiful paintings, inspirational music, entertaining plays, OR ugly paintings, horrific music, depressing plays. There is no one mold that all creative pursuits should follow or fit into. The sooner you realize this, the sooner you can let go of any self-criticism that prevents you from being brave in your creative endeavors.
- Seek out new experiences
Visit new places, both close and far away, if possible. Expand your horizons of what is present in your everyday life as well as what is part of this beautiful world of ours. Talk with people from different cultures, different fields, different backgrounds. When you allow yourself to break some of your daily routines and familiar thought patterns, you will create new pathways of thinking and creativity.
- Change your perspective
For 10 minutes, become someone you are not. A world leader, a rock star, a marine scientist, a beekeeper. How would they think, how would they feel about the questions or tasks you are trying to creatively approach? Step out of who you are so that you can see your life, your problems, your endeavors from another perspective, thereby inviting in the experience of expanding your views of what is possible, or expected, or desirable. Creativity is about letting go of who you think you should be and what it is that you think you should do. Instead, you start seeing who it is that you could be and what it is that you could do.
- Expect magic
Miracles are possible. We all know it, and even science gives us examples of them: what should not be possible, is; what should not have happened, did. When we read the stories, when we hear of the unexpected, our hearts are filled with gratitude and wonder. Yet, in our everyday lives, do we allow space for miracles to take place? Do we acknowledge and remember that we do not create alone but are surrounded by beautiful, benevolent souls that support the highest good for all? How would it feel for you to say to yourself once in a while: MIRACLES are possible. Miracles ARE possible. Miracles are POSSIBLE.
Here at the beginning of the New Year, get ready to unleash those brilliant, beautiful creative pursuits you’ve been sitting on! Let’s explore our new creative ventures together here at the Linn Academy.
As a Soul Coaching® Practitioner, Kati is dedicated to guiding you on your journey to reconnecting with your inner soul wisdom and creativity as well as realizing your true potential in life. Her goal is to help you uncover and accept your deepest truths that lead to a more energized, authentic and meaningful life.
Kati guides her clients in embracing their ancestral lineages and integrating their past experiences in order to be able to feel empowered to look into a brighter future and step forward in their lives with a deeper sense of joy, self-compassion and courage. She believes that honoring our personal histories stabilizes and strengthens us, akin to a tree’s roots that ensure it stands tall and thrives. Kati believes in the power of understanding our past which informs our present, thereby giving us the ability to create a future where we thrive when guiding and leading others.
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