by Terry Bowen, Master Teacher of Soul Coaching® Oracle Card Reading, Advanced Soul Coaching® Trainer, Interior Alignment® Teacher, Clutter Clearing Practitioner

Everything was going off and I was getting more and more stressed; weddings can do that to you! Even though we were already married in Mexico, this was our fourth attempt at getting married in England. The global pandemic cancelled our original, and then rescheduled dates.
With a final date ready, we found ourselves running round like crazy to get everything done. At the height the craziness, I went and did something even crazier and visited the local Lego shop. I had my eye on the new hotel set out, and even though it felt like an impulse it was really my soul saying; you need to play and enjoy this moment too. My husband gave me a side eye as he saw the rather large yellow bag, but he also knew that I needed something to do that was outside of all the planning and doing that was going on.
I sat at the table and followed the instructions to build the base of the hotel, and then slowly but surely, I added more until the lower level was done. Allowing myself to play, gave me the opportunity to also let go of the stress and find the joy in what we were doing. It was no longer a stressful time in getting ready for our big day, but something I could look forward to.
When you find yourself feeling stressed and no way out, give yourself the opportunity to play. If you’re not sure how, think back to what you loved as a child, or maybe just put on a song that you can dance to and lose yourself in the moment … and give yourself the energy you need to make it through the rest of life.

Terry took the long, expensive way into coaching. Having developed as an intuitive medium, people came to Terry to hear from their loved ones in Spirit, and to be told how to live their lives. This didn’t feel right, and when he asked what he could do, he was heard about coaching and searched for a company to train with. When he found one that he thought would be good, he signed up and then regretted it. The coaching method wasn’t right and wasn’t what he was looking for….



Creating Space to Engage in Our Passions

Creating Space to Engage in Our Passions

by Felicia D'Haiti,  Interior Alignment® Master Teacher, Soul Coaching® Trainer, Clutter Clearing MentorWhile teaching in a middle school enrichment program, my focus was on supporting students in discovering and growing their talents and gifts. Yet, oftentimes, when...

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Childhood Passions

Childhood Passions

by Barbara Amrhein-Krug, Soul Coaching® Practitioner Since my childhood I wished to be a singer and musician. When I was about 8 years old, I planed entrances on my stage, which has been our living room. The audience listen, while sitting on convenient seats - our...

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Journal Prompts to Start a Feng Shui Process

Journal Prompts to Start a Feng Shui Process

by Lisa Morton  Advanced Interior Alignment® PractitionerLight your passion fire with some Journaling!Lisa explains about how she worked with her feng shui clients who are unsure how to bring a sense of passion back to their life.    Lisa Morton, Advanced Interior...

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Press Play on Simplicity

Press Play on Simplicity

by Kyla Tustin,  Soul Coaching® Advanced TrainerAs I reflect on the journey of simplifying my life and learning how to travel lightly, I realize that it's been a profound process of shedding layers, both physically and emotionally. It all began with a realisation –...

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How You Can Find Your Soul’s Truth by Simplifying

How You Can Find Your Soul’s Truth by Simplifying

by LuAnn Cibik,  Interior Alignment® Master Educator, Soul Coaching® Advanced Trainer, Master Oracle Card Reader Clutter clearing and organizing is a huge industry…… why? The lockdown of the pandemic made everyone do a couple of things.  We stayed home and shopped...

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Why So Serious?

Why So Serious?

by Kyla Tustin,  Soul Coaching® Advanced Trainer As many who know me are aware, I've dedicated my life to a state of play, embracing childlike curiosity, wonder, awe, and joy. Now steeped in deep love and acceptance of who I am, who you are, and dream of a unified...

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Polar Opposites

Polar Opposites

by Kerry Dalzotto, Advanced Soul Coaching(R) Practitioner“I love a sunburnt country.” These few lines are from one of Australia’s most quoted poems, which typically sum up the land I love and call home. However, home can truly be wherever your heart takes...

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Have You Watched The Squirrels?

Have You Watched The Squirrels?

by LuAnn Cibik,  Interior Alignment® Master Educator, Soul Coaching® Advanced Trainer, Master Oracle Card ReaderWe have lots of birdfeeders. That’s kind of a misnomer, as it’s more like an all you can eat buffet for the outdoor neighbors. Birds of all kinds (including...

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