by Kyla Tustin,  Soul Coaching® Advanced Trainer


People who meet me now might struggle to picture my past life—success seeking investment banking, a serious 14-year relationship, homeowner in a super posh suburb, university-studying party girl K! I’d guess some ex-colleagues may also think I lost my mind, and, well, they might be right . I lost my rigid mind, and stepped into living from my liberated, wild and free heART.

But here’s the deal: 14 years into this #pressplay journey of purpose, and embracing my greatest potential, there’s nowhere I’d rather be. I gratefully owe a major part of this to the amazing Denise Linn and her Soul Coaching® Certification—giving me the structure, skills, courage, and bravery to kickstart my own coaching business. 

How I started out has come to mind lately as I’ve been chatting with potential new students, and observe that even though their soul shares with certainty, and clarity that it is time, many become stuck in the waiting game for the minds “right time,” which is a bit like chasing tomorrow—it never arrives. 

Beneath this waiting game of our dreams often lies a fear of failure, success, happiness, freedom, rejection, or just plain change. Our brains resist change, treating it like a virus threatening our current beliefs and existence. What if we change so much, that our whole lives change, which is quite often possible. However, the longer we wait, the more out of sync we get with our heart’s desires, and our comfort zone feels cosier, even if a part of us wants out.

Imagining where and who I’d be today, had I waited for the “right time” to quit my job or hesitated to take those daring leaps into the unknown is a frequent exercise for me. I said farewell to banking, embarked on a 7-month adventure, wrapped up volunteering in Kashmir, and spontaneously joined a 7-day training in the USA with a stranger who’s now both a wonderful teacher and friend.

Despite a few stumbling blocks along the way, I’ve embraced the understanding that when I sense my next step, even without comprehending the why at the time, waiting isn’t an option—I heed the calling. Training my brain to be more accepting of uncertain moments and to trust the voice of my soul—my empowered potential—has been a journey. Now, when fear and doubt try to creep in, I recognize them as natural human responses and choose to change the radio station.

It’s fun also to curiously wonder what 2034 K will say about the version of me as this current potential that exists today, knowing that there is much untapped potential and dormant gifts yet to ignite, and like the volcano erupting, it will no doubt be a wondrous and wild explosion of life-force. 

As you enter 2024—the powerful, potent year of the Dragon—energized by the infinite magnetic 8, what dreams are ready to be born? What dormant gifts and potential are you ready to ignite? What aligned actions can you take? Imagine journeying or journaling to meet your 2034 empowered potential—what messages about your future would they share? ✨

Big love, K

PS. And if your heART is CALLING for you to ACCEPT the invitation to become a Certified Soul Coach in 2024, let’s chat.  

Kyla Tustin, Soul Coaching® Advanced Trainer

Kyla is an International Soul Coaching® Trainer, Master Practitioner, Energy Healer, and expert on ‘Pressing Play on Manifesting Your Greatest Business, Culture and Life.’ Her deep intuitive wisdom supports you to get out of the way, as you discover how to rise in love with yourself, wake up happy and energised, uncover your unique creative spark purpose, and transform all of this into actionable and successful long lasting results.


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