You are invited to a magical gathering of enchanted beings…
To a Fairy Tea Party in honor of Baby Girl Linn
This fun and joy-filled baby shower will occur on ZOOM, and we encourage you to come and feel free to dress for a tea party or as a fairy, or just come as your usual magical self!
When Meadow had her son James, she didn’t get to have her baby shower, as James decided to come to this world early. Baby Girl, nicknamed ‘Bubbles’ by her big brother James, is due is August. Meadow has many of the baby items that someone needs when they first start out. However, we wanted to hold a shower… to welcome this beautiful baby girl, and just celebrate the energy of new life, Miracles and Mom Meadow!
How will a ZOOM baby shower work?
Zoom allows us to magically travel through the internet to all be together, and celebrate.
- First, you want to check your time zone, and mark your calendar to make sure you join us at the magical time!
- Gifts are not necessary to attend, however, if you wish to send a gift to Meadow and ‘Bubbles’, her registry list can help you with ideas.
- You can join in the pre-party games, with the links below. You can complete these prior to the party, and then the fun questions and answers will be announced, and prizes awarded!
- We have a Facebook private group for the the Virtual Tea Party peeps… and you can join that here! This will be the place where Meadow will share updates along the way, and baby photos, and any other goodies!
- On the day of the party…. You might choose to dress as a Fairy Tea Party guest, and even make your own favorite cuppa, and delicious snack to have during the party.
- The party will not be recorded, so plan to hop in LIVE!

Contact LuAnn Cibik at 724-316-2428, or luann@inner-harmony.org

How well do you know the Enchanted Forest – Play this game to see how many forest neighbors you know!
What happens at a Fairy Tea Party? What do you wear? What goodies are there to eat? Play this yummy game for fun!
What do you know about the Magical Meadow Linn? See how many of these silly fun questions you get right!
RSVP BELOW in order to be sent the ZOOM link for the party!