Shining Star Oracle Card Readers
Terry took the long, expensive way into coaching. Having developed as an intuitive medium, people came to Terry to hear from their loved ones in Spirit, and to be told how to live their lives. This didn’t feel right, and when he asked what he could do, he was heard about coaching and searched for a company to train with. When he found one that he thought would be good, he signed up and then regretted it. The coaching method wasn’t right and wasn’t what he was looking for.
In 2006, Denise Linn joined Hay House Radio and Terry listened every week to her show ‘Soul Coaching®’ and loved her style and way of words. This was the coaching he was meant to do. It wasn’t until June 2008 that he took his first steps into becoming a coach, and hasn’t looked back. Having run groups online and in person, worked with individuals and helped people around the world, Terry knows the true power of Soul Coaching and what it can do for people.
As someone who always wants to teach what he learns, when you take training with Terry you will get the full package. He will guide you in how you can become the best coach you can be. Not only for yourself, but for your clients too. It’s his passion in helping people to live a life they love, that when you train with him, you will learn how to do the same.
Certified Soul Coaching® Oracle Card Readers have been trained on a very special process to work with clients and oracle cards to allow the clients to understand the messages coming through.
The Master Oracle Card Reader designation are people who have taken the extra step to complete an intensive training program that requires 88 documented readings, as well as special training in the use and care of cards, and how to use them to work with others
Shining Star Practitioners are those graduates who are actively offering client sessions at this time.
Licensed Soul Coaching Oracle Card Readers
Founder: Denise Linn is an internationally renowned teacher in the field of self-development and working with Oracles. You can find out more about this fabulous course on her website www.deniselinn.com