Shining Star Gateway Dreaming Practitioners
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Gateway Dreaming Coaching Practitioners ( sometimes also called Gatekeepers) have been extensively trained in how to assist their clients sleep better, dream deeper, remember their dreams, work with their dreams energy, interpret their dreams, and much much more. They offer single service sessions, or package programs, and some also offer group classes. Sessions can be in person or distance over the phone or video.
Shining Star Practitioners are those graduates who are actively offering client sessions at this time.
Gateway Dreaming Licensed Practitioners
Founder: Denise Linn is an internationally renowned teacher in the field of self-development. She’s the author of the bestseller ‘The Hidden Power of Dreams’ and has worked with clients an practitioners worldwide to unlock the mysteries of the dream world. Practitioners are trained in much more than dream interpretation. Techniques to honor the gift of dreamtime, feng shui for dreams, space clearing in the bedroom, creation of a dream altar, inviting your dream guardian, programming your dreamtime, methods to remember dreams, and special methods for connecting with departed loved one, astral travel, lucid dreaming and much more.