by Kyla Tustin, Soul Coaching Advanced Trainer

Flow always reminds me to invite in the spirit of water and feel the unbelievable strength, power and majesty of the waves. Growing up by the ocean I was taught if I got caught in a rip rather than fighting to swim against it, I was to let go and allow the ride of the current to take me past all of the turbulence. Then as the rip, with all its powerful chaos, dissipates and opens up again I would have enough energy to swim behind it and return safely to shore. This of course is much easier said than done. When we are feeling completely powerless, being smashed by loud waves and pulled out to sea by a powerful undercurrent, which definitely feels a lot like the energy of 2020, our first instinct is often too panic and fight, flight or freeze against the natural flow. Yet, there is huge ease that can come from taking a deep breath, trusting ourselves and refocusing our attention to what we know and who we want to be within these changing times.

Since childhood my journey has required many of these “letting go” leaps of faith, never knowing if I’d get dragged out or under by the rip and power of present challenges. Or if I’d find myself flying, falling, failing or succeeding. Inside my heart though is always the quiet reminder to trust, let go and allow the faith of life’s flow to lead the way. For the new to arrive, especially within the world right now, we have to be willing to let go of old outdated ways, relationships, homes, careers, habits, items, beliefs or ideas of WHO we thought we SHOULD be or HOW we thought 2020 would turn out .. and choose through all of this turbulence to determine who and what we truly desire to focus on and see within this next phase within the world.

Going with the flow doesn’t always mean our life becomes easier, more often than not the greatest leaps of faith require some of the biggest decisions and changes of your life. One things for certain though .. on the other side of fear, doubt, criticism and even judgment .. a beautiful gift of greater love and freedom awaits, and I assure you it’ll be totally worth it. 


Mission – Actions/Tips

  • So I’m curious .. is there an area within your life you’ve been trying to control the current and FLOW?
  • Today let’s invite in gratitude, appreciation and celebration for what has been and journal a response to this statement …
  •  if I wasn’t afraid to let go, I would give myself permission to ….

(over the next couple of days as you continue to repeat this, see what flows into your day, mind and heart and listen for patterns of ideas which repeatedly arrive).

After you receive a vision, idea, or flow which brings a sense of clarity, ask yourself .. what is the first step I can take this month to allow synchronistic flow to enter this area of my life …  and no matter the fear that rises, choose to take action anyway, knowing every small step brings you closer to the dreams and desires of your soul.

Good luck, you’ve totally got this!

Kyla Tustin, Master Soul Coaching® Practitioner and Advanced Trainer

Kyla is an International Soul Coaching® Trainer, Master Practitioner, Energy Healer, and expert on ‘Pressing Play on Manifesting Your Greatest Business, Culture and Life.’ Her deep intuitive wisdom supports you to get out of the way, as you discover how to rise in love with yourself, wake up happy and energised, uncover your unique creative spark purpose, and transform all of this into actionable and successful long lasting results


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